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Taxes : Business & Finance

Federal Laws on Mileage Reimbursement

Mileage reimbursement to employees is normally not part of their compensation.yellow car, a honda japanese sport car model image by alma_sacra from Fotolia.comMileage reimbursement is a tax-deductible expense for employers that is not taxable compensation for employees if IRS rules are...

What Happens If a Contractor Won't Submit a W-9?

Some individuals, instead of working as employees, work for employers as freelance independent contractors. Independent contractors are supposed to fill out a W-9 when they work for individuals or companies and earn more than $600. When an independent contractor refuses to provide an employer with a

TaxACT Online Review

A review of TaxACT Online for preparing business taxes. I used TaxACT to prepare a Schedule C for a single-member LLC and the Form 1040 for the personal tax return.

What Taxes Are Withheld With 10 Deductions?

If you are an employee, it is up to your employer to withhold federal and state taxes from your paycheck. The more allowances you claim on your IRS W-4 withholding form, the lower your tax withholding will be. For a person who claims 10 allowances, the federal taxes withheld from each paycheck can b

Tax Attorney - Who Needs One?

Why need one? Tax attorneys are best in handling complex, technical and legal issues. Such as when you are starting a business and need legal counsel about the structure and tax treatment of your company, you are engaging in international business and need help with contracts, tax treatment, and oth

How to Claim a Casualty or Theft Deduction

You can take an itemized deduction on your income taxes for losses due to casualty or theft. This can save you in taxes, but there are limitations on the deduction.

How to Become a Blue Cross Provider in Texas

Medical professionals in Texas who want to become affiliated with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) must complete an application and Texas Standardized Credentialing Application. This process is designed to ensure BCBSTX members are treated by qualified professionals as well as to streamline

IRS Deductions for Medical Expenses

Medical expenses may be tax-deductible but only if you itemize.Jupiterimages/ ImagesMedical deductions are reported on Schedule A of Form 1040. You can claim this tax deduction if your total medical expenses exceed 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income. With an income...

How to File a Tax Return on Lottery Winnings

Lottery winnings might not be taxed in the state where you won your jackpot, but as far as the Internal Revenue Service is concerned, lottery winnings are fully taxable income and must be included on your federal return. When you win more than $600 in a lottery, the payer must file a W-2G form with

What If I Didn't File Taxes Last Year?

A number of circumstances could prevent a taxpayer from filing a timely income tax return. Understanding the repercussions for not filing on time can assist you in deciding what to do after you've skipped a filing season.

Financial Aid Regulations on Military Deployment

School requirements vary slightly when a student experiences a military deployment during a school semester. Typically, if the student follows the steps outlined in his school's catalog, he typically obtains a 100-percent refund. It is crucial to work with your professors, the registrar and records

Can My Son File Taxes if I Claimed Him?

The day will come, if it hasn't already, when your son sets out to join the work force. Most likely his first employment will be a summer or after-school job. The first paycheck will introduce your son to payroll withholding and the reality of paying taxes. Rest assured your son can file taxes if yo

Do Full Time Students Get All of Their Taxes Back?

The federal government offers full-time students many opportunities to reduce their tax bill with a range of tax-saving education benefits from grants to tax credits and deductions. However, there is no rule exempting you from income tax just for attending school. But chances are that if you enroll

Why is Cost Segregation Important to You?

Do you own one or more commercial properties? Not familiar with cost segregation? If your answer is YES, you are not alone. Even if you were not familiar with cost segregation before reading this article, you need to know what it is and why it can put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket.

Be Proud to Become a Truck Driver!

Truckers handle the transportation of goods such as retail and building materials, as well as hazardous materials. While the work can mean long hours on the road and time away from home, especially fo

Tax Credit for Post Secondary School

The U.S. tax code is replete with deductions and credits that foster various policies and actions. As of the time of publication, there are two tax credits and one tax deduction that promote post-secondary education: the American Opportunity Tax Credit, The Lifetime Learning Tax Credit and the Post