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Radio & Television : Society & Culture & Entertainment

The Miss USA Beauty Contest

Erik Desando recognizes that the Miss USA beauty contest has been held annually since 1952 to select the United States entrant in the Miss Universe pageant. The Miss Universe Organization operates bot

Stay Right In the In Crowd When It Comes To The Latest Movies

Why be the one of the ones who never knows what is going on? You known, those guys and gals who seem to be out of the loop when it comes to all of the up and coming flicks. Wouldn't you just love to shock a few of your friends [and enemies when you with the greatest of east breeze through the u

Digital Tv Deals - Entertainment Redefined

Digital TV deals are aimed at making sure that the customer is given ample opportunity to avail the best possible deals while purchasing a digital TV as comparison of two deals having almost the same specification always increases efficiency at all levels.

High School Series We Love on Satellite TV

Maybe because of the nostalgia for the "good ol days" of Friday night sports games and school dances in the cafeteria, or maybe because high school just looks better on the small screen, viewers continually are drawn to high school dramas.Whether the main characters are the primary interes

Why We Need Another Star Trek Type of Show

To boldly go where no man has gone before has sadly been replaced by the new clich of to go where no man can afford to know with the cancellation of the effort to return ...

All Casting Calls: An In-Depth Look

The success or failure of all casting calls depends on the impression made. The casting agents want to see someone who is confident in himself or herself, yet are simultaneously able to take on an entirely new identity. At a call, you want to represent yourself as such. If you are a canvas on which

What My DVD Collection Includes and So Should Yours

While different people like different movies for different reasons, it never hurts to get some recommendations from time to time to add to your repertoire of films.Though you may always have certain films, actors, or directors which entertain you ever time, learning what's in my DVD collection

The 3rd Degree

As the years speed ahead so does the technology and the materials available to us as make-up artists. One such material is 3rd Degree made by Alcone. You will remember it as the material used to create Heath Ledgers smile in Batman - The Dark Knight.

"Homer the Great"

A sound file from "Homer the Great" of Homer talking about the Black Panthers.

What is Off-Air TV Multi-Path Interference and How Do You Deal With It

Multi-path signals reaching your Off-Air TV antenna out of phase (bouncing) can confuse the ATSC (Digital) chip set in the converter box or tuner in digital TV sets. If the signal reaching the front of the antenna is not 2 to 3 times stronger than a bounced signal from the same station reaching the

Satellite Tv Offers Entertainment And Learning Opportunities

Over the years, people have slowly lost their faith in television’s ability to provide much more than an entertaining retreat from everyday life. Along with the deterioration in quality of many programs and news broadcasters, many simply gave up on the tube’s ability to captivate with we

Kids Program Only On Desi Tv Shows

Programs that targeted kids have been equally appreciated within the elder community and along with the little ones the adults have highly acknowledged such TV shows.

3D TV: the Next Big Thing?

With technology moving at an unprecedented pace, it seems that 'new and improved', updated gadgets are released almost immediately following a previous version. But no matter how nifty that previous version was, consumers still love ...

Satellite TV Gives You Options.

If you live somewhere that is outside of the city, then chances are that there aren't a lot of things to do in the evenings after the stores close up for the evening. Its nice ...

The Benefits of Watching TV Online

What is not commonly known is that numerous media companies, TV networks and movie companies are looking to the internet for their shows and movies. Many already know that there are now so many shows ...

Movie Making Editing Software

Making movies at home preserves memories for a lifetime and helps pass them on to a new generation. But sometimes they need to be edited a bit. Anyone can tackle film editing these days regardless of educational or financial standing. All you need is a decent computer and the right editing software.