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Entrepreneurship-startup : Business & Finance

Bumpits: The TopsyTail of the 21st Century?

It's been a good 20 years since TopsyTail„ hairstyling tool rocked the infomercial and retail world. And then in 2009, along came Bumpits„. Like TopsyTail„, Bumpits„ grossed well over $100 million. It's hard not to ...

How to Become a Shoe Distributor

The number of shoe styles and types on the market has steadily and dramatically increased since about the 1980s. Today there are literally thousands of options in shoes and niche markets that never existed before for both youths and adults. This presents a business opportunity for the person who can

Change the Depression Channel to the Prosperity One

You just can't help but become depressed if you follow the media in their attempt to cover what's happening with the global economy today. Being in the financial business I have to check the markets ...

Branding Yourself with a Logo

How hard is it for you to get your name out to the public? Hard? Are you having trouble with people remembering who you are, or what your business is? If you've answered yes to ...

Why You Should Start Blogging With Wordpress

In the last several years Blogging has become a worldwide phenomenon and Wordpress is definitely one of the best platforms to use in making your opinions noticed to people all over the world. A good ...

Can You Make Money From Storage Bin Auctions?

Do you enjoy the challenge of finding a bargain and reselling it for more than you paid for it? To witness the success of this technique, you only have to travel as far as your ...

How to Start a Gift Basket Company

Starting a gift basket business is a way to turn your talent for gift giving into cash in your pocket. Not a lot of money is required to begin the business since items may be purchased as orders come in. What is required is a talent for finding unique items for the gift baskets and a flair for packa

How to Create Your Own Website Coupons

Creating coupons for your website is a great way to create sales and generate leads for both online and traditional businesses. Website coupons and web-based coupons are most beneficial for traditional businesses such as restaurants and local retailers because the coupons encourage people to visit y

Business Planning Tools

Create a business image by peter Hires Images from Fotolia.comA successful business must first have a successful business plan. Entrepreneurs need to know the details of how the business will operate, where they can find funding and who their business partners or colleagues...

Is a Work at Home Internet Business in Your Future?

Today, nearly 21 million people work from home. Many, many thousands are network marketers with a work at home internet business. They are pursuing direct selling of products and services. As the corporate world seems ...

Are You Trading Your Time For Money?

Are you working so much that you never have the time to do what you actually want to do? Do you spend quality time with your family and friends? What would happen if you lost ...

Steps to Become a Paralegal

Paralegals are key members of any law practice. They perform many of the same functions as lawyers aside from the the central tasks of providing legal advice and arguing cases in court. For example, paralegals investigate, analyze and prepare information the lawyer will use in trials, hearings and m


Studies in economics are usually broken into two parts: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Where macroeconomics analyzes interest rates, unemployment, exchange rates and anything pertaining to a country or region as a whole, microeconomics analyzes the individual, family and firm. Specifically, micr

Real Freedom and Financial Independence - Priceless!

It is impossible to place a value on true financial independence, and the freedom it can provide in so many areas of our lives. Having enough money to live anywhere in the world... to buy ...

Why Do Companies Have Confidentiality?

Confidentiality in the business world, also known as secrecy or nondisclosure agreements, includes contracts involving two or more parties who agree to respect privacy by not sharing sensitive information. Types of information that might be considered confidential include data, prototypes, computer

What Does It Mean To Be An Entrepreneur?

In this article today I would like to take a few minutes to discuss something that is very near and dear to my own heart and the hearts of many people around the world... becoming ...

How to Prepare for the Unthinkable at Live Events

If you've been to one of our live events or seen the awesome pictures on my Facebook page, you might think that our events always go off without a hitch. And, with my awesome team, ...