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Gardening : Home & Garden
The Beauty Of Water Gardening
Is there any element in nature that can be as simultaneously soothing and dramatic as water?Most people love to hear the roar of a waterfall, the laughter of water tumbling over rocks or splashing in a fountain, and the murmuring noise of a small stream.
Using a Good Organic Gardening Book
Whether you are new to organic farming, or have been at it for some time, using a good organic gardening book is a good idea. A book always imparts to you some information that you did not have. Besides, having a book with you also allows you to refer to it whenever you are in doubt.
How to Start Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden
Here is what you need to know to start your own organic vegetable garden. From site selection to figuring out the right size, to amending the soil and planting your new organic vegetable garden.
Flowers Get A New Meaning With The Latest Online Flower Delivery Systems
Your flowers can find a faster way to its recipients, thanks to the arrival of the latest internet technologies that make it possible for people to use flowers frequently. This article is going to give you an insight on how you can make the best use of the online stores when you want to send flowers
How to Build a Giant Self-Contained Compost Bin
According to the EPA, yard trimmings and food waste constitute 26 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream. What a waste of good waste! If that 26 percent were composted, not only would there be a far smaller burden on the environment, but gardeners would save a lot of money and their garden
The Facts Beginners Should Consider When Planting a Vegetable Garden
Planting vegetable gardens is a very rewarding pastime. Not only does it keep you fit because of all the exercise you will get, but for me it's the pleasure that you get from seeing all your hard work come to fruition. You produce healthy crops, crops that are free from pesticides because you k
How to Save Vegetable Seeds For Planting Next Season!
Saving seeds is a great way to both save money and ensure that you will have the same great vegetables next year that you enjoyed this year. Some varieties of plants (hybrid) do not do well saving seeds.
Butt-Heads of the Garden
Unwelcome visitors to your garden and what to do about them. How to deal with those pesky pests organically and be able to enjoy your garden.
Three Easy Ways to Water Potted Plants
Here are three ideas for ensuring that your potted plants, whether they are indoors or out in your garden, do not dry out.
Treating Common Plant And Flower Diseases With Fungicides
Many of the most common diseases of flowers and plants are fungal diseases, and these diseases are best treated with a high quality synthetic fungicide.
Tree trimming for Safety and Tree Architecture Development
Tree trimming is one of the major aspects of tree care, not only from the safety angle but also from that of tree architecture development. However trimming of trees and shrubs is definitely not a DIY
How to Select Holly Plants
Holly is a decorative landscape plant. They range from spreading 1-foot-tall shrubs to 75-feet-tall trees. Hundreds of holly species are found around the world. They come in deciduous and evergreen varieties, with smooth to spiny leaves, and berries from red to deep purple. Legend says that a holly'
How to Compound Lawn Fertilizer
Lawn fertilizer feeds the grass with important nutrients to enhance root spread and growth. You can make lawn fertilizer from household items like yard clippings and food scraps. Make it in liquid form or compost form. Composting takes longer, because you're waiting for the food and debris to break
Loofah Gourds - They're Not From the Ocean But They Still Make Good Sponges
Did you know that there's a variety of gourd that grows into a sponge? They're called loofah gourds and they're related to all the other gourds.
Making Your Own Aquaponics Design From Home
Aquaponics is a system for gardening that's been around for nearly 4 decades that eliminates the need for large amounts of chemicals, water and space. Lately, many people have been working from home on creating their own aquaponics systems. There are a number of different ways to construct your
Why Your Should Purchase Landscape Plants From Indie Growers
Having been on both sides of the fence, both as a gardener/plant-buyer and as a nursery owner, I have a unique, if prejudiced set of opinions on the best places to find great plants at ...
Indoor Herb Garden Tips
For the individual who is beginning to learn all the excitement that can be found in the art of creating yourself an indoor garden of herbs, it should be a rather easy task, and one with much enjoyment for you and any member of your family to be able to complete together if you like. One of the best
Hints and Tips For Your Small Garden
Starting a garden is an exciting project in itself. We often see large country houses with wonderful large gardens. However, if you have limited space, a small garden can be a wonderful addition to any home as well. Here are some hints and tips to get you started on your own small garden project.
Treating Rose Disease
Treating rose disease early, at the first signs, is the best way to keep flowers thriving. Healthy plants have a better chance of fighting basic diseases.
Successful Hydroponic Herb Garden
What is a hydroponic herb garden? Elements a hydroponic herb garden needs. Tips on how to make a hydroponic herb garden.