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Government & administrative Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
FJC Security Services Inc. Offers Tips on Security Guard Careers
The private security industry, led in the northeast by FJC Security Services Inc., is among the few growing businesses in today's economy.
Mandatory Seat Belt Laws in North Carolina
North Carolina has mandatory seat belt laws for drivers and belt receptacle image by Albert Lozano from Fotolia.comThe North Carolina seat belt law (G.S. 20-135.2a) applies to all vehicles required by federal standards to be equipped with seat belts---in general, cars made...
Indiana Laws on Death & Spousal Bills
When your spouse dies and you reside in Indiana, his estate is responsible for satisfying his debt. If his estate does not have enough money to cover the bills, it does not automatically make you responsible to meet the financial obligations. Consult an attorney to discuss your obligations on bills
Indiana Tow Truck Laws
The Indiana Code outlines provisions for tow trucks to ensure disabled vehicles are moved in a manner that doesn't pose a danger to others on state roadways. Regulations are specific to the equipment and vehicles used to tow, as well as the circumstance. State tow truck law remains...
Kentucky Laws on Domestic Violence
Kentucky protects victims of domestic violence with protection orders and enhanced criminal laws.Kentucky state contour against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comDomestic violence laws in Kentucky protect women, children, disabled adults or the elderly. Any person...
Idaho Child Endangerment Laws
Idaho provides child endangerment laws compliant with federal child protection laws.idaho image by Dawngo from Fotolia.comChild endangerment can include an act or the failure to act resulting, in both cases, in the harm of a child's physical, mental and emotional well-being. The federal...
Rain Barrels & Colorado Laws
The constitution of Colorado declares that all water falling within its boundaries is property of the state. Senate Bill 09-080, passed during the 2009 legislative session, allows for limited collection and use of rainwater by landowners meeting specific criteria.
Dallas DWI Lawyer to Get Relieve In Intoxicated Driving Cases
In Dallas, being caught driving your car in an intoxicated way is a serious offense that can result in harsh and tough punishment. However with the craze for late night parties and drinks growing among ...
Labor Laws of Northern California
san francisco image by ebulle from Fotolia.comNorthern California encompasses San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Sacramento and the Lake Tahoe area. In California, employment law is set at a state level, so all employers in the state, including those in Northern California, are subject to...
Definition of Exotic
Despite warnings to the contrary, many people choose to keep exotic animals as pets, in part because many people are also unaware of the definition of an exotic and don't know how difficult and time-consuming it is to care for them.
Firefighter Promotional Act
The Fire Department Promotion Act was signed by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich on August 4, 2003. The law encompasses the entire promotional processes, including monitoring, lists and examinations for all municipal fire departments in Illinois, which are subject to collective bargaining agreement
Oregon Domestic Violence Laws
Domestic violence abuse in any state refers to the harm or threat of harm of one family member to another family member. In addition, it includes ex-boyfriends or girlfriends or same-sex partners whether or not they have lived together. General victims' rights applicable to all criminal cases apply
Indiana Laws Against Household Theft
Taking something from someone else's home can land you in prison in Indiana.home sweet home image by David Dorner from Fotolia.comIn Indiana, it is a crime to take anything of value from the home of another person without their permission. The crime may be charged as burglary or as theft...
Eviction of Bad Lessees
Eviction is an action taken to remove renters or tenants from a rented house or apartment due to some reasons. Once evicted, tenants are no longer allowed to stay on the property. The landlord can fil
Hiring the Immigration Attorney Oklahoma City
If anyone want to get immigration it is important to hire the best immigration attorney Oklahoma City. To begin, there are private immigration attorneys representing those who wish to move and immigration attorneys who represent ...
State of Florida Tree Laws
The sabal palmetto palm is Florida's state tree.Palmetto Tree grove image by Jorge Moro from Fotolia.comFlorida has more than a million acres of state forests where magnolias, pines and oaks grow wild.\ It is also the location of tree farms that grow important crops of citrus and pine...
Hawaii Employment Law Basics: Medical Examinations and Disability Law
Hawaii's Employment Practices law and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibit employers from discriminating against employees and applicants who have disabilities. Physical examinations cannot be
How to Change Legal Guardianship on an SSI Check
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Social Security program for people with disabilities or who are over 65 with limited incomes. The Social Security Administration (SSA) may appoint a representative payee to receive the SSI check on behalf of a qualified recipient . The representative payee ma
Federal Dam Safety Inspection Checklist
A dam is a reservoir of water dug to collect rainwater by blocking it from running off. The water can then be used for household, agriculture and industrial purposes when there is no rain. Dams are therefore an important method of ensuring water security. However, dams can cause hazards, such as dro
Is Selling Raffle Tickets for Profit Legal?
State law governs most forms of gambling, including raffles. Some states allow nonprofit organizations to raise money by selling raffle tickets, but no state allows individuals or for-profit groups to conduct raffles.