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Maintenance & Repairs : Home & Garden

How to Fix a Non-Flushing Toilet

A toilet's flushing mechanism consists of the handle, which is visible from the exterior of the toilet, as well as several interior parts. When the handle is engaged, it lifts the flapper out of the hole in the bottom of the tank to release the water in the tank into the bowl to flush out the materi

Cleaning Your Way To Spring

If you simply cannot be assed, maid services and deep cleaning companies seem to have clocked the trend toward January laziness and depression. A brief look through the evening classifieds or web results will confirm this. While burnt out holiday revelers get on into January, other people are helpin

How to Resurface a Cracked Concrete Driveway

Concrete driveways are popular because of their durability and low cost. But concrete can crack and become pitted after several years exposed to the weather. With a polymer-based cement resurfacer, you can cover the unpleasant and crumbling look of your driveway with ease. It takes about one hour to

Caulking Tools for a Perfect Bead

Caulking is a flexible, waterproof substance that is shot from a caulk gun into cracks and joints where water protection is required. You will commonly find caulk around bathroom fixtures, kitchen countertops and even on roofs. Caulk is made from a water or silicone-based solution and comes in many

Painting A Door Frame

Much like window frames and shudders take attention away from the actual window, door frames often gain more attention than the door. However, unlike window frames, door frames receive a lot more wear and tear than from just the weather.

Stucco Wall Treatment

A stucco wall treatment consists of a natural blend of materials. Stucco layers cover a metal lathing surface, which is hard and provides an ideal surface for the material to dry. Consumers can purchase a pigment-treated finish so the final wall treatment appears as decorative and visually appealing

Is Your Water Heater Leaking?

If your water heater is leaking then there can some certain problem with it due to which it is leaking. Let us discuss some of the common problem that mostly happens with the water heater. ...

The Key Benefits Of Solar Water Heaters

With the knowledge that solar energy is on the market to us - particularly together with the escalating concerns of current supplies of one's and lack of lengthened availability - is reassuring. Current sources in exactly how of fossil fuels are usually dwindling and alternative sources has to

How to Design a Gutter & Downspout System

A properly designed gutter and downspout system will take water from the roof of your house and direct it away from the house. Without a gutter system, water will simply fall off the roof and likely form pools near the base of your house. The water will then flow through any fault in the base of you

Types of Shed Doors

Sheds are used to store gardening supplies, lawn mowers and other objects intended for outdoor use. These outbuildings are typically constructed from metal or wood, with many different styles and designs being available. The types of doors used on a shed vary widely, depending on the design of the b

Trailer Coupler Instructions

Towing a trailer with your bike provides you with exercise and entertains your child. Securing each component of the trailer to ensure that it performs correctly ensures the safety of the occupants of the trailer. A trailer coupling provides a secure attachment point to your bike for the trailer. In

Choosing The Right Materials For Patios, Driveways, And Pool Decks

Paver materials come in concrete, brick, sandstone, and many more. To date, it is one of the most versatile material being used for making driveways, patios, and pool decks. Choosing the right material for your outdoor living space should be thought of carefully because it will be the first thing yo

How to Change the Water Level in a Toilet Tank

When you flush your toilet, water is released from the tank into the bowl. The force this generates carries away the sewage inside. If you need to give your toilet a flushing power boost, you should change the water level in the tank. To do so, simply adjust the fill valve, which fills your tank wit

About Wood Burning Fireplaces

Wood burning fireplaces are popular for the ambiance and heat they produce. Choosing the best wood burning fireplace for a home depends on matching your needs versus the types of fireplaces suitable for residential use:*Traditional fireplace: Constructed of masonry (brick, stone or concrete) o