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Pest Control : Home & Garden

Rat Control - How to Eliminate Rats for Festering in Your Home

Rats can be very dangerous creatures that may contaminate your food, destroy your property, and even start electrical fires. Plus, rats, their feces, and rat fleas can carry disease, making them an especially risky health hazard. As such, it is very important to get rid of rats. Unfortunately, rats

Bed Bug Repellents - Go The Natural Way With Herbs

Bed bugs can easily be equated to the vampires as they suck your blood to ailment and make you feel so-so sick.Here are some features of these tiny blood suckers & some herbs used to get rid of them.

Fruit Fly Traps - What Works and What Doesn't?

There are a lot of different types of fruit fly killers, some are more effective than others while some are just myths and don't work. Fruit flies may appear after getting the scent of rotten fruits and once they appear, you might want to get rid of them as they can become very annoying.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish in One Week

Silverfish can make some pretty annoying and persistent little guests in your home, and many people have trouble with them because they just keep coming back. If you want to know how to get rid of silverfish for good, you must follow the correct sequence of actions and there's no reason way you

How to Identify Queen Termites

Generally speaking, termites are social type of insects like ants because they have different social classes. Their social classes would usually consist of the worker termites, soldier termites, reproductive termites, and queen and king termites.

Bed Bug Mattress Cover - Protect Yourself at Night

Are you tired of bed bugs not letting you sleep and you wish to get rid of them? Are you thinking of buying a mattress cover to protect yourself? Bed bugs are one of the most common pests that can invade your house so you should know how to select the most suitable bed bug mattress cover to ensure y

Five Facts About Stink Bugs

In the recent years Stink Bugs became a real threat for gardens and homes in the US. This article is giving you 5 facts about the Stink Bugs which will help you understand what they are and also give you some hints in understanding why they invaded your home or garden.

Tips on Keeping Away From Spiders

It can be very common to see some spiders in the house. They usually live on insects and rarely hurt humans. However, you may still want to remove them from your house. Read on, you will get some effective methods.

Common Pest Control Devices for Inside and Outside the Home

Most of the pest control methods available on the market are easy-to-use and offer a simple design. In order to effectively eliminate a pest problem at home it is first necessary to identify the particular type of pest or bug and then use the most appropriate pest control device to help with eradica

Using Natural Baits to Get Rid of Garden Slugs

Garden slugs may be slow moving but they are methodical and persistent and a few of them can mow down a garden almost overnight.Various methods can be used to rid the garden of these pesky snails, ranging from handpicking to trapping and placing barriers, to using biological controls such as ducks,

Bird Repellers - Hi Tech Versus Low Tech

In this day and age, technology is seen not just as the solution to everything, it is often seen as the logical end for everything. For our area of discussion here, i.e., bird repellers, we want to clearly identify the very real, practical and cost effective low-tech solutions to bird problems aroun

Green Stink Bug

The green stink bug is often referred to as the green soldier bug. It belongs to a group of insects called Pentatomedae. The bugs of this insect family come in a variety of colors with green being one of the most common.

Animal Control and Removal Services

When your business or home is having problems with raccoons or other animals you need to know about places to turn to for help. There are many businesses that can handle animal control/removal for you

Gathering Information on Pest Control

Before you decide on whether to control the pests in your home by yourself or hire a professional, you need to get information on pest control first. The websites of universities and state departments

How Can I Get Rid of Spiders in My House?

Article detailing strategies for pest control for indoor house spiders. This includes non-chemical or pest control ideas that work more effectively than spraying pesticide for spiders.