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Pest Control : Home & Garden

Bed bugs prevention

Bed bugs has been more common these days. The root of the cause is people travelling to third world countries and bringing back those bugs. There are some ways we can prevent them

Odorous House Ants - A Smelly Problem

Odorous House Ants have become a serious problem within the United States over the past few decades. When crushed this species gives off a strong odor that smells similar to rotten coconut; hence their catchy name.

How to Cut the Costs of Termite Removal

Talking about termite removal can give some people a very uncomfortable feeling. Not only can termite problems be extremely expensive, that they can make you feel like your space has been invaded. Termites are a nasty problem to have, and treating them can be an expensive proposition depending upon

Easy Way to Get Relief from the Roaches

Do the roaches often disturb you in these days? If it is, then there is nothing to be tensed, as here is a great product, which will not let you tolerate such problem further more.

Pests Control for Insects and Rodents

A home void of creepy pests is the impossible dream of all homeowners the world over. These pests may be just a simple fact of life.

How to Make Your Havahart Trap More Successful

When you are thinking about using Live animal traps to help with your pest problem having the right trap and knowing how to set it properly will help make your trapping more successful.

Bed Bugs - Is your home next?

Bed bugs; their hard to notice, hard to get rid of, and hard to prove you have them. Many people, particularly those who have pets generally mistake their bites as the cause of fleas or mosquitoes. Ma

The best way to Eliminate those Pesky House Ants

Colonies are set up by ants and from these colonies; scouts are deployed to search for water and food source within the vicinity. A scent trail is left behind by way of the scouts to leave a smell to

Killing Fruit Flies

Hygiene is something that all homemakers look to so as to help them understand the value of living in a safe and healthy environment. It is without a doubt one of the most desired environments people try hard to maintain. However, there are times when they seem to not be able to do a thing in its re

Identifying and Controlling Whiteflies in Your Garden

One problem you are likely to encounter when growing your own vegetables is pests, including whiteflies.Whiteflies can cause a lot of damage to your plants.To ensure that your plants survive an attack from whiteflies, it is best to attend to the situation as soon as you spot whiteflies or see any si

Finding Out How to Destroy Bed Bugs Once and For All

Most of us were raised never considering the chance of bed bugs. We may have known that they'd been a nuisance years ago, but we never connected them with our world at all. Things have changed recently, though. Bed bugs have returned with a vengeance. Once again we have to learn how to kill bed

Squirrels and Damage

Squirrels are cute, good to eat and fun to watch, but they are one of the most damaging animals you can have around your home. The reason for a squirrels' damage is their need to chew and their playing habits.