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Pest Control : Home & Garden
I Have Bed Bugs Is NOT What You Hear Everyday
Schools are finding bed bugs more often and rarely does a student state, "I have bed bugs." Banning back packs accomplishes nothing but there are steps to take when bed bugs are found. Learn how to address an infestation here.
Common Pest Control Methods & Home Improvement
Pests are serious problem for everyone. Hence each house owner wants to get rid of this problem. The pest elimination problem starts from preventing these organisms from entering your home. It is easi
Rodents Make for Horrible Roommates
While Arkansas is home to at least 25 species of rodents, only two (the Black Rat and the House Mouse) pose significant infestation problems in the Fort Smith area. What follows is a discussion of the problems to both health and home that rodents cause and a three-pronged approach to eliminating the
Choosing Maid Service Phoenix for Cleaning Your Home
Keeping your home clean is really important especially if you are planning to provide a better and healthier lifestyle to your family. Many homeowners around the world make sure that they buy the best
Five Basic Bee Removal Techniques to Be Aware Of
Bee stings can cause serious harm especially to people with allergies. It can be deadly if you do not know how to deal with it properly. Since it sounded like a major concern, some people somehow feel threatened by bee's existence. It further developed into fear towards bees and it may have oth
Get Rid of Cockroaches - How To
Cockroaches pose a significant health hazard when they are found in the home environment: Cockroaches carry disease-causing germs and can even irritate allergy sufferers. It is not surprising then, that we generally equate cockroaches with dirtiness. Unfortunately, if you want to get rid of cockroac
Find the Right Carpet Cleaning Method for You - RudyLeard
Home decors can make or break the look of your home.
How To Choose The Right Exterminator - Pest Control in Orange County, San Jose & Fresno
A professional exterminator Orange County, San Jose and Fresno will leave no stone unturned to make your house pest free. If you are looking for an excellent termite treatment San Jose, then consider
Keep Your Home Spider-Free and Family-Safe
Spiders are one of the most common household complaints. No matter where you live in the United States, you are likely to have spiders in your home. The worst part is that sometimes you never even know they live with you!
Bed Bug Products - Choosing the Right Product Options
The first thing that you should be aware of when it comes to bed bug products is that there is no single treatment option that is better than the others. There are a wide variety of different products that are available to you when it comes to bed bug treatment, and the right solution is often to co
Rodent Control Is a Year Around Challenge
Don't be complacent about the lack of signs of rodent infestations either. You must always be on the lookout for signs of infestation. Read on to learn more about this topic.
How Do You Prevent Termite Damage?Protect Your Home From Termites by Learning How to Detect Them
Termite infestations are hard to detect and hard to eradicate and they cause lot of damage to houses around the country. As with many other problems and diseases the best method to combat termites is to prevent them from infecting the house in the first place.
Flea Removal - The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas From Your Upholstery
It is not just about the upholstery. To maintain a parasite free environment, you need to regularly execute the flea removal plan including regular home cleaning, as well as the right pet flea treatment. Find out more here.
How to Protect Your Home from Pesky Winter Pests
Even when the weather is chilly outside, pests may still be on the loose inside your house. That's right - pests can swarm a home year-round, making it more important than ever to stick to a
How to Kill Cockroaches
Killing and eradicating cockroaches from your home is a multi-step process. Buying the right roach killing product is only one step. Find out the what else you can do to kill off these undesirable little vermin and keep them out of your home for good.
Controlling Slugs in the Garden
Slugs are a formidable foe in the garden. Able to re-grow their head, they are hermaphroditic, and nocturnal, munching on seedlings, young plants, Hostas and Delphiniums while we sleep. Slug eggs can lay dormant in moist soil for many years and adults can follow slime trails to the same feeding grou
Are Fruit Flies Buzzing Around Your Kitchen And How Do You Control These Pests?
Fruit flies don't care if the air is cold. All these little gnats look for is some organic stuff that's turning bad so they can lay their eggs in it. As a pest control technician I once opened the refrigerator door in a hospital break room, and found a thriving colony of fruit flies inside
The Tarantula Hawk Wasp
The tarantula hawk is not really a hawk, it is a wasp that preys on and paralyzes tarantulas to feed them to their young.
Bedbugs: Are They Easy To Get Rid Of?
Although people are badly affected by an influx of bedbugs, the medical authorities proclaim that they are not a serious health hazard. Tell that to people who are suffering from bedbugs! Bedbugs are not known to transmit disease, that is true, but they instigate paranoia and insomnia which can have
Silverfish Poison - What Can You Use to Kill a Silverfish Population?
What can be used as an effective silverfish poison? How does it work? Is it easy to get hold of? Finally, are there any alternatives? All of these questions are answered in this article.