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Pest Control : Home & Garden

Treating Cluster Flies in the Home Or Workplace

The Cluster Flyis named so due to its habit of clustering and hibernating in large numbers in buildings and loft spaces. This fly is commonly found throughout Europe and the UK. These flies are not classed as a pest species, but often require treatmentdue to their large numbers.

Silverfish Insect Information

Learn all about silverfish insects and how to positively identify them. What they look like, how they reproduce, what they eat and where they live.

Bed Bugs and Myths Built Around Them

Whenever you search for certain information online you expect to find accurate data on the specific issue and the same you expect when looking for bed bugs. There is plenty of information on this matter, but not all of it is accurate. The fact is that this sort of information reaches from one mouth

Mosquito Control - What Are the Various Pest Management Methods?

Mosquitoes can be quite the menace as these insects are capable of multiplying at a rapid rate and also cause diseases like malaria and chikungunya. There are several pest management methods that can be taken up for the eradication of these insects in an effective and affordable manner.

Facts and Truths About How to Prevent Cockroaches

Cockroaches, one of the most common unwanted habitants of homes around the world, can prove to be high risk pests that need attention and immediate elimination. Keeping the health and well-being of aging parents, children and toddlers and all other members in the family, it is important to know the

How to Deal With Dust Mites

Dust mites can cause a lot of problems, particularly if you are allergic to them. Luckily, you do not have to remove all of your carpets and double glazing to effectively deal with dust mites. There are many other effective methods you can deploy to reduce their scourge.

What You Need to Know About Termite Swarmers

In general, termite swarmers are the new king and queen termites that are about to leave their own colony in order to form new termite colonies. Seeing termite swarmers is a sign of trouble for home owners because it means that a termite colony is about to infest and destroy the wooden structures in

Bed Bug Treatment - Mattress Care

Once considered eradicated, bed bugs are now back and prevalent as ever. These small reddish-brown insects have invaded even the cleanest of homes. Even five star hotels are not spared from these wingless pests. Bed bug treatment, ignored and forgotten for years, are now a popular service all around

Do It Yourself Termite Treatment - Everything You Need To Know

One of the most common questions about termite treatment is, can I treat termites myself? What do I need to know about DIY termite treatment? How much expertise do I need to do my own termite control? Where do I even start? Contrary to popular belief, treating these nasty pests yourself can be easie

5 Kinds of Pest Control

Pest control is very indispensable for any homeowner who wants to keep pests away. Having pests in your home is very problematic and requires immediate pest management. Before they multiply in inexhaustible numbers, it is better to take immediate and prudent action to hold off their growth. In this

Help Your Pets By Removing Fleas On Them

Common victims of fleas are pets because of their fur and thick hair. If untreated, fleas can cause discomfort and sometimes death to kittens and puppies.

Electronic Rat Trap - Interesting Technology

An electronic rat trap is just goofy sounding. As a guy, I naturally like things which involve a large level of voltage, which makes the electronic rat trap a very interesting idea.

Subterranean Termite Control

Subterranean termites are widespread across the U.S., mostly in the southern states. Because of their wide distribution, experts say subterranean termites cause most of the termite damage to homes and other structures every year. Around $4.5 billion is spent annually for termite control and to repai

How to Keep Wildlife Out of Your Home

Wildlife can be a nuisance, but the humane removal and relocation of wildlife is important for the environment. Keep wildlife out of your home with these helpful tips.

Bed Bugs May Be in Your Bed

For quite a long time now, no one has heard of Bed Bug - an insect that gives man so much trouble. But the truth and only truth is that bed bugs are coming back to man in his modern world. This is unb

How To Make Your Ant Problems Disappear

In the United States, there are a number of ant species known, some of which are fire ants, carpenter ants, and argentine ants. All of the species of ants are dealt with in the same process of ant control in order to get rid of them, but except for one; the carpenter ants, these ants are to be dealt