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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Simple Steps to Get Huge and Shredded

This e-book provides some comprehensive content on muscle development and methods on how to do it right. In addition, it comes with a few methods that one can use to fast-track one's muscle development. To know more, read the review!

Any Old Iron by Anthony Burgess

In Any Old Iron Anthony Burgess takes on the Titanic and we survive. We get through a couple of world wars, where we fare quite well, eventually. We fight for independence in Israel and get mixed up in the Russian Revolution. We cook, make music and end up smelling of fish, despite spending signific

The Cash In A Flash In Slow Times Book Review

This article is a review of the New York Times best seller book "Cash in a Flash in Slow Times. In this article I review this book and discussed its content and what I learned from this book written by Robert Allen and Victor Hansen.

'The Zero' by Jess Walter - Book Review

Policeman Brian Remy has no idea what is going on. Five days after his city has been attacked, Remy is starting to experience 'gaps' in his life periods of lucid sanity in a world where nothing makes sense. He has a self-inflicted gunshot wound, his eyes are flecking over, as he slowly go

The 5 Minute Miracle - Standing Out by Becoming Outstanding by Ed Delph

Ed Delph's "The 5 Minute Miracle" is filled with real life stories which demonstrate authentic, genuine Christianity and validate the power of God's Word in everyday life experiences. The stories in this book are a compiled from articles taken from "The Church-Community Conn

The Diary of Jack the Ripper - Book Review

Books about Jack the Ripper abound, as do theories as to who he actually was. Some even say the Ripper was a member of the Royal family itself. This book advances a different theory, backed up by Jack's actual diary-

The Bible - The Masterpiece of the Master

The Bible is good news for all mankind, it is a book of accurate prophesy and wisdom. The Bible is God's message, and He doesn't want us to be puzzled about anything. It is the primary religious text of Christianity. It is divided into two parts. The first is called the Old Testament conta

Strip That Fat Diet Reviews - Understand How This Program Works

Are you searching for Strip That Fat diet reviews? Although many people have claimed that this diet program works for them, selecting a weight loss program is a long term commitment, so it is best to understand the program well before trying it. You don't want to end up wasting money getting a

I Quit! Book Review

I Quit!: Stop Pretending Everything Is Fine and Change Your Life by Geri Scazzero is a book about one Christian pastor's wife who decided she needed to quit. Quit pretending she was happy, quit pretending her personal life was going well, quit pretending her marriage was perfect, and quit prete

Christopher Columbus - What Did He Do in 1492?

There is no other figure in world history more controversial than Christopher Columbus is. Come Columbus Day - celebrated every October - and the streets are filled with two groups belonging to the opposite poles, ...

Fleeting Dreams, By: Joan Fowle Miles - Book Review

Fleeting Dreams: World War One Love Letters- The Architect and the Librarian, by Joan Fowle Miles is a celebration of love. It celebrates the love between a man and woman even in the midst of the hardship of separation, the devotion of a son to his father, the admiration for the wonders in this worl

The Long Angle Iron Trade Business Collective Seeks the World's Power

The establishment stock market transaction standard, in the application establishment profession the petty loan organization, extends the industrial chain to high-end reforming, recently, area the river, Zhejiang, Shanghai's steel and iron foreign traders were accelerating to move. On February

Rosenberg Proves There Is "No Shortage of Evil"

With his debut novel, No Shortage of Evil, author David Rosenberg is no stranger to the recipe for sucess. He cooks up a recipe filled with romance, humor, and suspense that leaves his reader craving more.

A Book Review: Learning How To Fly by Sam Keen

Everyone loves that magic stuff, so that is why fairy tale stories endure like a circus of fun and clowns, a program of wonder, an enchantment stint, a flying bird from scarves, and of course, that trapeze act that brings dazzle.

A Feministic Study of "Wiser Than a God", A Short Story by Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin began her writing career strikingly with the creation of a triumphant woman artist-Paula von Stolz-a character who seems to be a projection of the author's own ambitions. "Wiser than a God," Chopin's first story accepted for publication, portrays the resolution of the

Brain Fitness - Changing Your Brain

With compelling cases studies ranging from recovery from brain injury and stroke to overcoming learning and physical disabilities, The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge, MD, details the radical advances in the science of brain plasticity of recent decades. Now that we can measure brain acti

The Barchans ((Of Ozark, Alabama) (In Two Chapters))

We really didn't need anymore proof of his level of recklessness, although we figured a man ought to be able to do what he wants to do on his own property, like it or not, but White Creek, was just a tinge to the side of his property, and that made it the Sheriff's business. He died in tha

Burning In The Rain

Do we need to have a religious awakening from our spiritual poverty? Domestic violence, the suffering of women at the hands of the men they trust, the men they love (when do the ends justify the means). We have become a humanity opposing abuse against women and children. The most vulnerable citizens

Interview With Owen Egerton, Author of "How Best to Avoid Dying"

"Bizarre," "thought-provoking" and "entertaining" are just a few ways reviewers have described Owen Egerton's new book, "How Best to Avoid Dying," a collection containing 18 short stories ranging in subject matter from a deadly spelling bee, to a talking