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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Review - The Cursed Man

First of a series, this book is about a man who believes that Death has taken an unnatural interest in him, killing everyone with whom he comes in contact. Can he really be cursed, or is he just mentally ill?

Pan Asian Art Collections - Pictorial Art and Photography Book Review

Throughout human history mankind has celebrated the beauty of the body, the sensation of love making and fertility. In some cultures there are gods of fertility, others call it a miracle from god, but all were fascinated by this seemingly magical event, with all of its sensuality, passion and emotio

What Makes a Good Cookbook

There as many opinions about what makes a good cookbook as there are chefs to try new recipes. Everyone seems to have their own criteria. I have found a few common elements that are most ...

Book Review - Eat Pray Love

Eat Pray Love recounts the detailed bits of the Elizabeth Gilbert's sabbatical leave from her usual world to dedicate one year of her life to traveling and soul-searching. Gilbert, the author, is jumping out of norms when she decided to end her marriage with a divorce, quit her job, and travel

The Door-Keeper

The Door-keeper stood guarding the closed door to the 'Law Hall of Courts.' Mr. Sterling was told he was guilty of breaking the law: That it would be up to the court to announce him guilty or not guilty, that this announcement was forth coming- And here he waits on a stool sitting outside

Books on Business, Law and Finance

There are many different categories when it comes to the areas of business, law & finance. These would include accounting, careers, economics, management, personal finance, professional finance, sales & marketing and even small business & entrepreneurship.

Preserving Dignity

No one should have to beg or crawl before humanity. No one should have to scheme to procure philanthropy. No one should be outcast for simply being different.

Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist

First time I read the first edition in Portuguese, I was living in Brazil, and this was an amazing book, the story is fiction, but Paulo Coelho gave great insights about alchemy and transformation, even from his personal experience were amazing. This book tells you to believe in your dreams.

Healing Through the Akashic Records by Linda Howe

This is as important a book to read as Howe's first book How To Read the Akashic Records. While her discussion on healing sacred wounds is important, I will focus my comments on the three main keys she suggests in the last part of her book: Gratitude, Grace and Generosity.

Appaloosa by Robert B Parker

I really enjoyed the movie "Appaloosa" with Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen and Renee Zellweger. In the extra features, Harris talks about reading the book and then wanting to make the movie. So naturally, I picked up the book to read. I'm glad I did.

The Tipping Point - Blink & Think While I Make a Difference Dear Gladwell

A purpose coach, transformational speaker, motivator, and terminator combined in one to restore playfulness and childlike fun. To kill the doubt and questioning tendency that derails you and prevents you to be. All that you were created to be, live, and love. The tipping point to transform your life

There is a Devil's Book Written by Mephustophilese

The Article explains the procedure taken to accidentally write something considered to be a "Devil's Book". Much is given away here, however the book was determined safe for adult public consumption.

The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook

Written by my favorite herbal expert James A. Duke, Ph.D., author of several other great books, including my favorite, best seller, The Green Pharmacy...These two books are simple, concise and every herbalist would truly benefit having a copy of each on the shelf in his herbal library.

Island by Alistair MacLeod - A Book Review

Alistair MacLeod writes of lonely places and lonely people, powerful short stories which take place in the far off reaches of Cape Breton Island and mainland Nova Scotia. His characters are the descendants of dislocated Scots, torn from their homes in Scotland during the Highland Clearances of the 1

Rose Bud Of The Heart

A Rose bud carefully and tightly woundMaking not a rustle, no not one soundTough green petals holding its heart inProtecting fiercely, from the wind

How Devilsh Is The Prada Devil?

How much are you willing to do for you job? How would you define success? How much time have you spent with you family during the last... let's say.. month? A few hours having fun, maybe a dinner on the run? When did you last take a good night sleep and did not have to wake when the alarm rang?