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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

The Great Toad Race of Jamaica (A Short Story, 1983)

She is a little heavy at sixty-three years old, perhaps sixty-four, brown thinned out hair, laced now with silver, a pale washed-out white color to her skin, who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, always has lived in St. Paul. We are sitting at a table at the Americana, a beach hotel in the barroom, the

Grace, A Miracle in Hell

In my last vampire poem two lovers come together and create a new life. Impossible you say? Not in my fantasy. It's a miracle in Hell.

Review Wealthy Affiliate Before You're Hung Out to Dry

This day an age too many scams exist online. This in-depth behind the scenes review of wealthy affiliate and Kyle & Carson famous affiliate marketing community, will show you the secrets to dominating niche markets.

The Sidewinder

This article takes the reader for a trip to The Grand Canyon from dawn to dusk. They can see the different colors and hues, some of the fauna and flora of the place, and taste what was the earth like in its formation, and comparisons made to mankind's cultural past.

Motorcycle Safety - What You Need to Know - Book Review

Today, I have a steel rod in my femur bone from a motorcycle accident, and I am reminded of the famous saying that motorcyclists often cite "there are those who have been down, and those who will." And what that means is there are those who have been in motorcycle accidents, and those that

Review Of Darkness At Noon - By Arthur Koestler

Darkness at Noon is a tragedy that is deservedly celebrated as one of the greatest works of historical fiction. The quality of the dialogue, the elegance of language, the presentation of the characters, the succession of events and the plot all serve to fill the mind with a mixture of expectation, s

Review of Novel: "Chasing the Sun" by Tracie Pterson

Tracie Peterson has been a favorite author of mine for some time. So when I learned of another series coming out, to say I was excited is an understatement. The Civil War era, including the time before as well as after, has been an interesting period to revisit.

The Request Part (4 of 4)

I'd always looked at the 1960s as a fantasy, like heaven, where you meet the shades of your past and live happy. But here Cole worked ten hours a day to stay alive as a professional racer. The dining table was meeting spot for Cole and Sylvia each morning to discuss over steaming coffee cups th

Review of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

This story has been told and retold in so many different ways in movies and written words. Charles Dickens really did create a timeless tale when he wrote the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the lessons he learned on that fateful night.

Physics Book Review - Learn More About Light and Holography

There is more to light that meets the eye, but it is exactly that which meets the eye which intrigues us the most. Welcome to the science of holography, spectral imaging, and holographic projection. If this topic and subject interests you as much as it does me, then I'd like to recommend an ext

Blogging Espionage - Blogging to the Bank? The Review

The blog Everyone is blogging today; some to share their thoughts, some to connect with their fans, some to share their reviews and information and some to make money. The question can you really make that amount of internet money for real that sends you laughing to the bank?

Top 10 Break Up Books

Breaking up is hard to do. For days, weeks, months and even years, the pain of a failed relationship will plague you. Consciously or not, the tendency is to do a post-mortem of what-has-been as well as pining for what-could-still-be. And while the pain lingers, you need to understand that you can su

How to Sell and Buy Cars

I often use the phrase €You make your money when you buy€, and I would encourage you to always try and remember that term. It's very important! I would suggest you always proceed with caution ...

Writing Innovative Poetry

There are very few traditional book publishers that publish poetry books. These publishers have a very good reason not to: poetry does poorly in the market place. Despite the relatively small number of enthusiastic poetry readers, the actual act of writing it is considerably more popular than readin