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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Marvel Superheroes

Marvel superheroes have charmed children as well as adults the whole world over. Marvel comics have created superheroes that we have looked up to and so will our children and our grand children.

The Top 5 Arsenal Football Club Books

This official history charts Arsenal's story from its inception in 1886 right up to the first full season at the impressive Emirates Stadium. It details how Dial Square became Woolwich Arsenal, the move to Highbury, Herbert Chapman's inspirational leadership, the famous Double of 1971, the

Flat to Fab Reviewed

Are you tired of having to put on a padded bra every time you leave the house? Is your self-esteem lacking because you have a small chest? Would you do just about anything to enhance your breast size.

From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell

The topic of Jack the Ripper has been explored and shared the world over, the mystery surrounding the deaths of 5 women defeating many investigators who would lay the case to rest. There are many who have crafted fictions about the reprehensible "Jack", cashing in on the speculating and se

Critique of "Do We Owe Anything to Future Generations?"

In "do we owe anything to future generations?" the author asserts that the actions we take today will profoundly shape the destinies of future generations. His conclusion-that our responsibility to the future is identical with our responsibility to ourselves-is humane and generous, and we

Stingy Jack - Book Review

Give the devil his due; he is a temptation. Luring souls into sin is his game, the prize being the souls to claim. In "Stingy Jack" by R. Scott Taylor, two souls may be about to escape the clutches of Old Scratch. One has been roaming the earth for centuries, the other may be about to do t

Book Review - Principles Of Perseverance By Wes Daughenbugh

Wes Daughenbaugh's definition of perseverance is "love that keeps on obeying." He illustrates this in the "Cycle of Success" as the step that comes just before victory and great achievement. Continuous obedience builds Christ like character. Perseverance is the key to succes

How to Write a Narrative Poem

Writing narrative poetry is exciting. A good way to begin is by choosing qualities associated with short stories and novels. Plot, character, setting and description are four key story writing techniques.

Aspects of Dark Romance Stories

Dark romance stories have been told for many years. They are stories that incorporate aspects of terror and supernatural happenings to arrive at a good story of love. Dark romance novels have dedicated fans who read the stories religiously.

The Complete Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that leaves you aching all over. You may feel tired, have a disturbed sleeping pattern and irritable bowel syndrome. If this persists for more than three months, you could be diagnosed as a patient with fibromyalgia, also known as fibrositis. Doctors have studied

Devil's Brood Brings an End to the Trilogy

The end of the trilogy of Sharon Kay Penman's dearly loved books of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine is a marvelous reading experience.Although fans will be heartbroken seeing the trilogy end, they won't be disappointed.

The Art of Racing in the Rain, Garth Stein - A Dog's Life

In The Art of Racing in the Rain, Garth Stein tells the story of a dog through the dog's voice. Lots of people compare it to Marley & Me, except it is very different from that book. This is a book that will make even the hardened laugh and cry and experience every emotion known to man.

Reading Lolita in Tehran, A Memoir in Books - Analysis

For decades Iran has been the center for controversy. This week's headlines about Iran could invoke an image in one's mind of a boiler tank with vapors of suppressed religious anger bursting through the seams. Clashes erupt as Iran marks anniversary of embassy siege Thousands rally in Tehr

Have You Read the Noticer Yet?

When you see somebody in your town, your community, in your office place, do you really notice them as individuals? Do you see if they are in need? Perhaps help when they are down? One town had a special "noticer." This is a personal story told by the author of a special man he once knew!

SRs Trend Rider

I'm Leslie Trawler and this time I'll be examining sRs Trend Rider. I want to walk through the most important questions that would-be customers have. As follows, they are: Need to know: what does sRs ...

Book Review: U.S. Marine, Sr.'s, Banished to Eden

In his book, Banished to Eden, author U.S. Marine Sr. presents a science fiction story that takes readers to a futuristic world where society has become a government designed utopia. U.S. Marine tells a story ...

Conference Venues - Secret To Success Of Your Corporate Event

As a corporate honcho your job doesn't end with launching and promoting your products, campaigning for your brand and winning over clients. Your responsibilities entail a lot more such as holding conferences for your in-house staff, peers in the industry and your clients. Such conferences are s

Fostering Love & Logic in Your Home

A quick look at the philosophy of bringing Love and Logic into the home. Authors and educators Jim fay and Foster Cline have written books and developed strategies for practicing love and logic.