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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

An Easy Guide to Online Genealogical Research

This is a book review of a "Dummy" book for online genealogy research.It talks about key points in the book that would help beginning genealogists conduct their genealogical research successfully using online resources.

Anti-Ice by Stephen Baxter

Stephen Baxter is well known for his hard science-fiction and alternate history stories. I can't say that I've read all of his work - but I have read quite a lot of it; I would say it's all intelligent, and some of it will also challenge you to think about big questions such as our pl

Book Review - Laura And The Leprechauns By Amber T Kingston

In this imaginative story "Laura and the Leprechauns" Amber T. Kinston has captured the magic of the enchanting world of leprechauns.Although the book is appropriate for reading during any season, I am convinced the story will soon be a St. Patrick's Day favorite. Amber is gifted both

Sixth Column - Robert Heinlein

The premise of this book is that after a long period of isolation, the United States of America has been invaded and conquered by a group called the Panasians, an ethnically mixed group of Chinese and Japanese people. They are a merciless and vicious occupation force and their control over the count

Unbiased Review of Power4Home Ebook

This is a generation of information overload. Anywhere you go; hearsay or facts are bound to be discovered. This happening is actually good among consumers because they can get rid of the risky and costly process of trial and error just to grab a product that will do them good.

I Love Books

I love books. If you take the time to look you will find a book that can benefit your life. You just have to be willing to read it.

"The Psychological Immune System" by Herman Kagan: Book Reviews

While the umbilical cord of life has been torn during its three-and-a-half billion years on earth it has never been severed. We humans are a continuation of this life force and like all of life, we have been provided with protective systems to ensure our survival. One such system is our biological i

My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk

In his story of Art E H Gombrich juxtaposed Durer's fifteenth century print of a rhinoceros with a modern photo of an adult African rhino. His point was that the Durer image had become iconic in the true sense of the word. For centuries it dominated to the point of control how people inwardly s

Nigella Express - Tempting Your Taste Buds!

Featuring fabulous fast foods, ingenious short cuts, terrific time-saving ideas and easy, delicious meals, Nigella Express is her solution to eating well when time is short. Here are mouth-watering recipes, quick to prepare and easy to follow, that you can conjure up after a long day in the office o

Introduction To Politics - Governments And Nations In The Post Cold War Era

This article is a book review of an excellent book dealing with trends of cold war era nations and politics involving them. Communism's demise was a victory for western democracy but it also presented new challenges in the form of religious radicalism and ethnic violence in post cold war world.

Getting Rid of Indigestion - The Natural Way!

Okay so another Friday is upon us and man I am feeling lucky I live in a state where the weather is so nice as compared to other part of the country! But I digress, it's time to talk to you about yet another benefit of natural, local, raw, organic honey!

The Bridge by David Remnick

In 2004, nobody outside Chicago had heard about the subject of the book The Bridge by David Remnick, Barack Hussein Obama, who was only a state legislator then and author of a memoir titled Dreams from My Father. Next he went on to win the Democratic primary for Illinois, a safe seat for the Democra

The Inconvenient Adventures of Uncle Chestnut

The Inconvenient Adventures of Uncle Chestnut is a 64 page book intended for middle grade children. It has four fictional short stories within, is written in a first person point of view, and is based on the life and works of G.K Chesterton.

John The Artisan

Kampala is the capital city of Uganda, a country found in East Africa. Like any city in the world, it has hordes of poor as well as rich folks. However this short story will illustrate to you how John (not real names), a father of four kids needed more miracles than fate to return his kids to school

The Peaceful Warrior's Path To Everyday Enlightenment by Dan Millman

The Peaceful Warrior's Path To Everyday Enlightenment by Dan Millman is an amazing look at how you can add more peace to your life and add more enlightenment. He tells a story that draws a clear connection between the realities that occur in life every day and the spiritual teachings that go al