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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment
An Appeal To God
Come God come and see your mankind. See how man is misusing, that you gave him noble mind. Make us able to spread the message of peace. To make this universe a place unique. Where all will happy and no one sad. All will good and no one bad.
The Magic of 80-20 Living
Many successful business entrepreneurs attribute much of their success to the application of Koch's lessons, and this book is frequently quoted as being the most influential and favourite book in many a library. 80% of Crime appeared to be committed by 20% of criminals. 80% of carpet receives 2
Review - Black Belt Recruiting by Mike Dillard & Mark Wieser
Black Belt Recruiting by Mike Dillard & Mark Wieser is not a course on getting your karate belt, or on black belt training. It is a course on black belt marketing for those who are interested in a recruiting career in the Network Marketing Industry. It is on it's way to becoming one of the best
Lawsuit Funding - The Evolution of Pricing
Much is spoken/written about the "costs" associated with obtaining a cash advance against the future proceeds of a pending lawsuit. Otherwise known as a lawsuit loan or pre-settlement funding, many companies offer cash now against the future resolution of a case.
My Special Woman
A woman that is special to me in all ways. A woman like no other. A woman to stick to because of something she has that is more than just being beautiful. One in thousands.
Bed of Arrows - There Lies a Lot Beneath
Draupadi undoubtedly suffered a lot more than Bhishma. Yet, when it came to giving recognition, Bhisma got the respect and Draupadi got the stigma as the sinful woman who was punished with the early death.
How To Read Poetry
Good poetry is something that is not an intellectual experience, but something that speaks directly to the heart, and should be read as such. Many people just accept everyone else's definition of what constitutes good poetry without taking the time to find out what makes that poetry 'real&
Crush it, by Gary Vaynerchuk - Review
Gary Vaynerchuk is an internet celebrity who runs a wine review site. This book review of his first book, Crush It, discusses why the book is such a timely, practical guide to getting started in social media marketing.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots -- Are You An "Idiot" For Believing This
Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a program that "guarantees" you'll lose 9 lbs in 11 days.However, most experts agree that weight loss of over 2 lbs in a week is harmful to your health.Who's right?But mostly, does this program even come close to working?
How To Tell If A Men's Magazine Is Worth It
There are many types of Men's Magazine literature that are perfect for the articles and pictures. These magazines will have many interesting facts and stories about getting into shape and losing weight. When someone is interested in learning about what is current for dieting and getting stronge
Think and Grow Rich Insights - A Review of Napoleon Hill's Book
Think and Grow Rich is a book that has been around for a while so you've probably heard about it often if you are into self improvement, especially financially. The book was written by Napoleon Hill, at the request of Andrew Carnegie, for the purpose of finding out what the core difference is b
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - A Book Review
Is living in the Now the answers to all of our presumed problems? Reading the book the answer should be: yes! Leave your analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind and surrender to the present moment, where problems do not exist according to the teachings of Tolle.
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay Book Review
This is one of the first books by Louise Hay, who founded Hay House publishing company. She is a prominent metaphysical self-help guru who is more down to earth than many. She recognizes the subconscious emotional issues to the Law of Attraction before that term was invented.
Lemp Mansion: One of the Top Ten Most-Haunted Houses in America
Come along for a night of horror with Rebecca F. Pittman, one of America's foremost authors in the realm of the paranormal. Constantly touted as one of the top ten most-haunted venues in America, Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, Missouri is a treasure trove of ghostly happenings. From her detailed re
Finding God Through Spiritual Journaling
If you have been keeping a spiritual journal for decades, or have just begun keeping one, you have the opportunity to deepen your relationship with God through spiritual journaling. Learn how you can share your spiritual autobiography through this spiritual practice.
Book Review - The Valley of Horses by Jean M Auel
Looking for an exciting saga of people surviving tremendous challenges in an epic landscape? Jean M. Auel provides compelling storytelling with complex characters, amazing emotional depth, romance, and profound explorations of human spirituality.
Moroccan Food is Some of the Best You'll Ever Have
Moroccan Cuisine is something everyone should experience and savor. Moroccans certainly know how to eat, they have large portions of extremely healthy foods. Boy, I love Moroccans, they are a people after my heart. They believe in abundance and they never cut a meal short. You'll find Moroccan
Critique of David Horowitz's Book: THE PROFESSORS
United States freedoms register a ubiquitous array of mindset: such freedoms exist not only for the altruistic but for the anti-American as well. Thus, we critique a unique research effort: a book praising these freedoms but all research daring to expose an antiestablishment segment of American Acad
Book Review For "I Only Have Fangs For You"
Kathy Love weaves a suspenseful tale of paranormal romance in "I Only Have Fangs For You." This is the third installment of her Young vampire series, but it is the most rewarding.
American Indian Fairytales - A Forgotten Native American Children's Classic
Originally published in 1895 and again in 1907, American Indian Fairytales is a collection compiled especially for children and young adults. Originally published under the title "Snow Bird and the Water Tiger and other American Indian Tales", this volume includes 17 stories of magical fea