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Reading & Book Reviews : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Mass Media and Mental Games Shaping Our Political and Perceived Realities

What do you know? If what you know is what you read in the newspapers and see on TV, then perhaps you do not know much at all. Indeed, there are propaganda spin-meisters at every turn shaping your created realities. In fact, let me recommend a very good book to you about how political games are play

Final Book of Tetralogy Is Heartfelt Science Fiction

Although I'm not a big reader of science fiction, I appreciate a heartfelt story about real people with real problems, so when I read Ray Melnik's first novel, "The Room," I was instantly hooked. In that book, I also learned about string theory and other fascinating aspects of sc

Just a Day in Time

Every day is to start anew, free from the aggravations of the past. If this is achieved how much better is life? But in doing this, guilt, shame and all negative emotion must be tackled and resolved as best we can. So long as it ransoms conscious thought, anyway.

Two Poems with Triggers [and a commentary]

Note: these two poems of Dennis Siluks reach out towards the world at large, with high spirits, wit and intensity; or so I do believe. What more can I say, except read them for yourself over a few times, see how they fit, or if you can absorb them.I like to read poetry at least three times; once qui

iBoy by Kevin Brooks

iBoy by Kevin Brooks is much more than just a tale of grit or a new action hero (another thing common, the hero can't reveal himself to the girl he loves). To enjoy the book, however, you'll have to excuse use of few sloppy words such as enervated or frequently occurring swearing throughou

Crossing Roads

Sarah could not remember how and why her life had become that complicated in less than three minutes. Indeed few time before leaving Sydney and hitting the road, she was still hesitating and wondering if she should not rather keep her safe job and visit Australia later on. One month after traveling

Who? When? Where And Why?

We all want to know the truth - but where, how and who will be able to provide us with the truth, the whole of the truth and nothing but the truth?!

Forgotten Dreams 8

A collection of poems that I would wish offers some general interest. They are captured thoughts that gathered and passed again in response to nature and to life experiences common to us all at times when our soul is moved to perceive the beauty and the wonder of existence or when struggling with th

Is God Real?

In a recent Newsweek (4-9-07), avowed atheist and best-selling author Sam Harris squares off with Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback Church in Orange County, CA and author of the world-wide best-seller The Purpose-Driven Life, in a piece titled "Religion: Is God Real?" I found it to be

Know Thyself

Allow life purpose coach Paul Davis to tease out the truths about yourself, ask the hard questions, and compel you to dig a little deeper.Let's talk about you today, not what you do, but who you are.

KIKAOO an Evening of Poetry, Storytelling and Music

At the Kenya National Theatre's Wasanii Restaurant the first thing you notice when you walk into the auditorium that houses KIKAOO is the look of utter relaxation imprinted in everyone's face as they turn to welcome the new comer. Its just starting and you walked in right on time to hear t

Writing Poetry - Collecting Your Thoughts

Once of the reasons why writing poetry like this is so hard is because it is hard to get a handle on what you are feeling anyway. You probably have a kaleidoscope of emotions and it can be very hard to sort them in any type of logical form. However, if you want a good poem to come from it, you need

Melinda and the Wild West: A Family Saga by Linda Weaver Clarke:Book Review

"Melinda and the Wild West," a Historical Fiction love story, blends fascinating characters with Idaho s Bear Lake history and is based on several true experiences. This story takes place in 1896. Melinda is from Boston and has come to Paris, Idaho to teach school. The idea of going to the

Uncle George((A Short Sketch For Old Folks, 1987)(A Minnesota Story))

(Winter of 1987)I thought we were headed toward the River Road, along the Mississippi, in St. Paul, Minnesota, I, my mother, Aunt Anne, Uncle George was heading to the airport (a tired old man now, about five foot eight inches tall, one hundred and fifty pounds, at one time a lively sort of person,

The Brutal Art of Ripping, Poking and Pressing Vital Targets - Book Review

The book is full of pictures of simple applications of ripping, poking, pinching, twisting and pressing. These techniques may not be the first that come to mind when people think of fighting. Punching, kicking, and grappling probably top most people's lists. Well, after reading this book, you w

Book Review: Vintage Veronica by Erica Perl

If you are into vintage flannel, embroidered patterns, lace and all things vintage, you might just enjoy reading Vintage Veronica. If you are a confessed collector and frequent "visitor" of the flea market, then this might just be the bedtime reading that you need.

A Nice Jokes

How to make joke out of sadness? Cruel joke can be termed as madness. To laugh it out is simply a sign of healthy mind. Such quality is to be rarely seen and find.

Facebook Marketing - Best Source for Targeted Traffic Right Now

Over the past decade online marketing has changed at a break neck pace. And if you've been around for the past five years you know that a lot of things have changed for the better when it comes to making money online and getting targeted traffic to your websites.