How to Reverse a Time Lapse Video
- 1). Export your video by selecting "File," and then "Export," and then export your video in the MPEG-4 format. This step is important; since your time lapse video is likely a series of clips, you need to save it as one piece, so that when you try to reverse it later, it reverses the whole thing as one.
- 2). Import your newly created version of the video, and drag it to the iMovie Timeline.
- 3). Double-click on the click from the Timeline. This will open the Clip Inspector. You will see three options listed at the top of the popup window; be sure you're on "Clip."
- 4). Look for the box that says "Direction" and place a check mark in it. This reverses the clip.
- 5). Drag the slider next to the "Speed" selection to the right -- toward the rabbit icon -- to speed up the video.
- 6). Click "Done" at the bottom of the window. Your video clip is now reversed.
- 1). Export your time lapse clip by clicking "File," and then "Export," and then exporting your video as a .mov or MPEG-4 file. This is important, as you want your time lapse video to be recognized as a whole unit and not a series of clips when you go to reverse it.
- 2). Import your new clip and drag the time lapse video to the Premiere Timeline.
- 3). Place a check mark in the "Reverse Speed" box.
- 4). Increase or decrease the speed of your video by placing a percentage in the "speed" box. For example, if you want to double the speed of the existing clip, put "200%" in the box.
- 5). Click "OK" to apply the effect.