How to Grow Escarole
- 1). Prepare a sunny, well-draining location in your landscape, removing all weeds or grasses. Rake or pull out unwanted vegetation.
- 2). Amend the planting site with rich organics such as compost or manure. Use approximately 25 to 50 lbs. of organic material for every three to four square feet of garden space. Work it into the soil to a depth of approximately six inches.
- 3). Water the planting site after amending it with organic materials. Saturate the soil so it settles.
- 4). Plant escarole seeds a quarter-inch deep, spaced 12 inches apart. If using transplants, dig a hole the size of the transplant's root ball and plant at the same depth it was growing inside the original container, if using transplants. Space multiple transplants approximately one foot apart.
- 5). Water the escarole seeds and transplants after planting. Keep the soil moist, but not flooded, regularly watering. Escarole prefers growing in moist, well-draining soils.
- 6). Fertilize escarole plants with a water-soluble fertilizer for vegetables every one to two weeks. Apply the fertilizer according to package instructions.
- 7). Blanch escarole plants when multiple plants spread out enough to touch each other. Make sure the foliage is dry and tie the top portion of leaves together with a string. Allow plants to remain tied two to three weeks before harvesting, as this protects the center portion, making it less bitter.
- 8). Harvest the escarole, cutting off the plant at ground level. Use pruning shears or a knife. Rinse the dirt from the plant and store in a plastic bag placed inside the refrigerator.