Love Is An Expression Of Your Soul
As the Talmud tells us, "God wants your heart.
" The Greek word 'enthusiasm' refers to a God within.
Enthusiasm is faith set on fire.
Approach your relationship with enthusiasm and the clear intention to abide in love.
As a couple you can unite the Fire of passion with the sacred path that connects you to a higher reality of the Spirit.
In my practice I observed that it was not the difficulty of the circumstances that pulled couples apart; rather it was their level of commitment to one another and ability to be partners in life.
Two dear friends exemplify these principles in the midst of one of the worst tragedies -the loss of their 7 month old baby, Rece.
They awoke one morning to find Rece had died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Because they had a unity of spirit they were able to pull together to face this tragedy.
When I asked them how they dealt with Rece's death this was the answer: "We became aware of the depth of one another as spiritual beings.
Six weeks after losing Rece, our spiritual journey led us to new perspectives of the cycle of life.
We had to get away from all the outside influences (other people brought an element of toxicity that distracted us from coping.
) It was a physical act of pulling together and paving our path.
We are partners in life.
Even when we oscillate at different currents of emotion, we know we are in this together.
" The marriage becomes a witness to God's desire to be among us as a faithful friend.
To express your Highest Self you need to learn to: Get in touch with your deep, authentic self.
Develop Spiritual practices to transcend your ego.
Find a calm and peaceful place within yourself that you can go to before you explode and say or do things that compromise your integrity or values.
Celebrate everyday.
Spark your inner happiness by living your values.
- Take time-out to center before saying or doing destructive things - Identify destructive thought patterns say to them, "You are not my friend, go away.
" - Live in the moment - Choose peace of mind instead of attack thoughts - Develop constructive and creative outlets - Accept what is - Stop Blaming and Start Living - Use the matches in your hand in life-giving ways - Refrain from setting damaging fires - Seek inspiration, wisdom and positive models for loving relationships Unite the Fire of passion with the sacred path that connects you to a higher reality of the Spirit.
Allow negative feelings to flow through you without becoming attached.
Deal with grief.
Invite the presence of God.
As a couple you can unite the Fire of passion with the sacred path that connects you to a higher reality of the Spirit.
For specific practices to help you on this path, refer to Friendship on Fire, Passionate and Intimate Connections for Life.
"Love partakes of the soul itself.
It is of the same nature.
Like the soul, it is a divine spark...
it is a point of fire within us.