How to Protect Your Family and Valuables by Hiding Them "Out of Sight and Out of Mind!"
A safe and secure place like a hidden safe room! If an intruder were to invade your home for example, would you have a place to retreat to and secure yourself and your family? What about your valuables? Do you have a place in your home to hide your valuables from criminals? They cant steal what they cant find! So, how do you hide a safe room from criminals in order to protect your family and valuables? You need a concealed or hidden door! How about a Bookcase Hidden Door that is a real bookcase and functions as a door! You just push it open and disappear inside! A hidden safe room is a great way to protect your family and valuables and right now there are several hidden doors available through the internet for you to purchase and install yourself! There are also plans to build your own using a pre-existing door, making this an easy and inexpensive do-it-yourself job that just about everyone can do and afford! Here are a few uses for a safe room: - Panic Room (a lower external slide lock can allow quick entry by children as a safe place to hide until the danger passes) - Secure Gun Closet (a top lock for grownups only can prevent children from opening the gun closet and provide a safe and secure place for gun collections!) - Jewelry Storage closet - Storm Shelter (protection from severe weather) See your copy of Hidden Doors, Secret Passages & Safe Rooms" for more information on storm shelters above ground, below ground and do-it-yourself storm shelters.
- Hidden entrance into basement or attic - Hidden Stair Passage(First floor to second floor hidden stair case) - Secret Passage - Two bookcase hidden-doors can be installed on either side of the safe room to allow you to slip from room to room through this secret passage.
Here's an idea! - Partition walls can be used to create the safe room.
For example: A false wall can be built across a room and a series of bookcases can be installed with only one bookcase serving as a hidden entrance into the hidden room or passage way.
See "Hidden Doors, Secret Passages and Safe Rooms" for more information.
In order to find the best deal when searching the internet for such a door, one needs to consider what one wants to accomplish and how such a door is built.
For example: A bookcase hidden door that holds the weight of real books, could weigh several hundred pounds! That means that it has to be built like a door that weighs several hundred pounds! Moreover, it must be built like a several hundred pound door that will not sag with the constant pull of gravity! If however, one doesn't need a full bookcase but merely a small case with light knick-knacks, many hidden doors on the market will do.
Putting more weight on the door than it is built to hold will likely result in problems with the door.
Note: One can also use a mirror rather than a bookcase with knick-knacks to create a light-weight hidden door!See "Hidden Doors, Secret Passages and Safe Rooms" for more information.
There are companies on the internet who sell both bookcase hidden doors and the plans to build them yourself correctly.
Here are a few of these companies: http://www.
com http://www.
com http://www.
com/hiddendoorplans You will find many links to and information on Hidden Doors in the Hidden Door Guide!The Hidden door guide puts everything at your finger-tips and empowers you with the knowledge to buy a hidden door that you will be happy with! Note: You can avoid the pit-falls by using the guide!A hidden door must be built right or it will sag.
The purchaser must know what he or she needs and is buying or may end up unsatisfied with their purchase.
(The above article is the heart of the book "Hidden Doors, Secret Passages & Safe Rooms" and is free for use as "content" for your website, newsletter, etc.
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