My Ex Girlfriend Won"t Talk to Me
And now you've decided you want a second chance or at least an opportunity to put your side of the story across.
Trouble is of course you know that this time it is so bad that she is not likely to ever want to talk to you again.
So you are pretty desperate.
Right? You've tried phoning, you've sent her text messages and she is even bouncing your e-mails.
Her friends all say she doesn't ever want to see you again and she is always "busy" at work.
This is really beginning to affect you badly.
You can't concentrate on anything.
Your work is suffering and your boss has already pulled you up about your attitude "these last few weeks".
So what do you do? Are you going to give up on her and move on or is it worth pursuing? The truth is you do still have a chance of getting her back but you need to do nothing! Yes do nothing at least until you understand what she is going through.
Women think differently to men - you already knew that though which is why you sent her flowers, the same ones she rejected! What I mean is you really have to understand her and get into her head.
Know where her mind is right now and it will be tomorrow.
You are both going through phases similar to those we go through when we are mourning a loss:
- Denial - She can't believe this actually happened.
- Anger - Wondering why it happened to her.
- Bargaining - Promising herself she will never make the same mistakes again.
- Depression - Where she doesn't care anymore.
- Numbness - Unable to function socially so cuts herself off.
- Disorganized - Suffering from intense feelings of loss.
This could almost be a physical pain. - Acceptance - The final stage where she re-enters life ready for whatever comes her way.
Your acting needy and desperate is not going to break through those barriers.
But here's the thing.
No matter how bad things are you can get her back.
Once you understand how to respond to her emotional roller coaster you have every chance of success.
The big thing you have in your favour is that she once loved you and women do not walk away from love that easy.
You need to realize you are starting again and that your sole objective is to re-ignite the spark that she once had for you.
It is possible no matter how bad the situation is.
Do you know anyone who has had an affair and been taken back by their partner? Yes even under those circumstances people have managed to not only get back together again but also strengthen the bond between them.
If your ex girlfriend wont talk to you right now it is because she is on that emotional roller coaster and you will need to be patient for her to finish the ride.
Of course she would want no-one else to be there when it is over but the old you.
Spend the time between now and then recalling all that was good about your time together and where it started going wrong.
Being prepared will make the second time around so much easier to manage.
What you do during this period when your ex girlfriend won't talk to you will determine whether you fail or succeed in getting back together again.