Explain Blogging
Since I send most of my friends to my blog, I decide I would write and try to explain blogging and why I blog.
A blog is a type of website or part of a website.
Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.
Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.
So when I started with my blog, I had always been told to have your name in the title as a way of branding yourself but thought I couldn't use just my name.
com (now I know different) well anyway I thought about what I was going to be writing in my blogs and at the time wasn't really sure - so that is how I came up with just my opinion lol.
To try to explain blogging, the best that I can do is that I write about things that I'm passion about, things that I love to talk about, things that I have some knowledge in and most importantly - I blog because I like helping others.
Over they years, I have learned some hard lessons the hard way and if I can save one person some of the painful hours that I have gone through - then blogging to me is worth it.
When I first started, I really struggled about what to write and even writing - well a friend of mine told me Nance - pretend you are talking to a person and speak from your heart.
Well that is what I have tried to do in my blogs, I have tried to share things that have helped me through my online journey.
Of course, through out my post, you will see a variety of subjects - I never knew I had so much to share.
So if this ole hillbilly can put her thoughts on paper, I'm sure anyone reading this can also.
Actually there are times that I even amaze myself even as I still can't believe that I do this.
Another way to explain blogging is that it's a way of writing short stories about you, your life, your likes, your dislikes, your journey through life.
I even get a kick out of going back to the older post and think to myself what were you thinking when you wrote that - the best reward that a blogger can get is someone that will follow them (subscribe to their blog) - that means that you have touched someone life, helped someone or maybe they just have a good laugh - whatever the reason - comments are a nice pat on the back - so don't be afraid or shy - if you have enjoyed a blog, learn something, or thought it was funny - let the writer know - they will love you for it.