Another 5 Signs That A Partner May Be Cheating
Use this list to interpret your partners actions and behavior changes. Although some behavior changes may be completely innocent, many are not. These signs are a guideline. Always use context when interpreting your partners behavior. Otherwise, you may end up over-interpreting something that really means nothing.
Sign #6
Your partner is suddenly obsessed with looking fit, less fat, or sexier/more toned.
Unless your partner genuinely wants to lose weight for his or her own
health, sudden visits to the gym are a warning sign -- especially if
you feel that your partner is not interested in doing this for himself or you. Weight loss becomes an issue and your partner begins to crash diet, even if he or she has not cared about his weight for the longest time. Excess poundage reflects age advanced age. Both male and female cheaters want to appear younger than they really are.
Sign #7
Your partner always leaves home during weekends and prefers to be with friends instead of taking care of you or your kids.
If your partner is not meeting a lover, he is probably restless and frustrated that he has to be home during the weekends. During these periods, a cheater will feel obsessed about being with the new lover.
Going out is a good distraction for the cheater because he doesnt have to be with his partner or family and he is free to do what he wants.
Sign #8
Your partner becomes inattentive and lazy at home. Chores and activities that involve the kids are neglected for no apparent reason.
When a partner exhibits this sign, it means that his or her mind is
wandering. The cheater is probably thinking of his/her new lover and is fantasizing about the times they have been together. This produces a disconnected attitude that is quite easy to detect.
Sign #9
Your partner begins talking to you about stuff he/she didnt even know about before.
Topics or activities that werent even on the radar years ago become
the center of your conversations, and your partner may even invite you to participate in a new activity or hobby even if he/she has not done this for the longest time. Some people like a little adventure in their life, so this sign may not always indicate an affair. Read the other signs that may be emerging alongside your partners new interests. If there are no other signs other than the new interest, you may not be faced with an affair. Your partner may just be longing for something new in the relationship and he/she wants you to be part of that new adventure. If your partner is indeed having an affair, the new interests of your partner may be the interests of the new lover.
Always investigate any signs of changes in your relationship in detail and never confront your partner alone.Additional signs and how a STEP BY STEP plan on how to determine if your spouse is cheating and what to do about it can be found at: []