Print Screen Tricks for Windows
- You can use the Print Screen command to copy and alter images on your flatscreen monitor with a an apple image by Peter Baxter from
The Print Screen tool for Windows is a handy feature that lets you take an instant snapshot of whatever is on your screen with a simple keystroke. You can then paste the screen capture onto MS Paint, Word or any other photo-editing or word-processing software to view and edit the image. A few tips and tricks will help you get the most out of the Print Screen feature. - If you have multiple windows open and only want a screen capture of one of them, simply press and hold the "Alt" key while clicking the Print Screen key. This will take a selective screen capture of only your active window (the window that has the dark title line at top).
- If you want to crop out undesirable parts of the screen capture open MS Paint (or a similar program) and press "Ctrl + V" or right click and choose "Paste." Your screen capture should appear. To crop out unwanted parts of the screen capture, go to "Image," then "Crop" on the menu.
- If you only want to have a certain part of the screen capture (such as a person's head), open MS Paint and paste the image. Then choose the "free-form select" tool from the toolbar to the left (it should be in the top left corner, above the eraser." Use this tool to trace an outline of the part you want to keep, then press "Ctrl"+ "X" to remove it. Press "Ctrl" + "V" to paste it wherever you want.