The Frustration of Job Interviews

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If you have a job then the chances are you have been interviewed at some stage. Many people don't enjoy the formal process of being interviewed and often with good reason. Here are a few ways that interviews can go wrong.

Consider a position where you desperately want the job. It might be the money, conditions or you just don't enjoy your current job anymore. The night before you decide to prepare for the interview.

You try all those tricks you have read on the internet about calming down by imagining the interviewer naked. It works for a few moments until you realise that your interview might be doing the same. You barely look at your CV as you fill your mind full of those negative thoughts like hundreds of people have better CVs or an uncle in the company or are just confident and slick with their language.

Having barely read through your CV you go to bed to dream of turning up to the interview naked. Morning comes round too soon and you are rushing out the door to get there on time. You arrive at the company just on time flustered, dishevelled and out of breath. Wheezing the name of your interviewer at the receptionist you get the clear idea that she thinks you are some crazed maniac as you suddenly go blank when she asks for your name.

After a short wait you are met by a stony faced old crone who looks like she has murdered someone every time she attempts a smile. Walking towards the interview room you desperately try to appear relaxed by attempting some small talk but unfortunately the weather lasts only a few minutes and you find yourself babbling about how easy the place was to find and the traffic situation.

You eventually make it to the interview room and the old crone offers you a coffee. After spending a few minutes wiping yourself down from the coffee you just spilt down your front the old crone asks if you are ready to start the interview proper. She then says something like, "Just as a nice gentle start, talk me through your CV."

Realising you can't remember anything on your CV and that you have not brought any spare copies you mutter things about how much you have enjoyed working for you last company. You are convinced she thinks the CV is a fake when you come to the conclusion that she said "gentle start" and that implies things are about to get worse.

The old crone decides to focus you in on some key areas by asking why you want to leave your current employment. You fumble around trying not to admit that you hate the company, the work and your boss and eventually hit on a "looking for fresh challenges" answer. Annoyingly she asks what sort of fresh challenges you think her company will give you.

Like a guppy opening and closing your mouth scrambling for an answer you desperately clutch at straws. Realising that she may be picturing you as naked has not helped and now you have forgotten the original question. You hope to make it out of the interview sometime in this lifetime.

At the point where you have lost all feeling in your extremities the old crone tells you that this is your chance to ask questions as she has finished hers. In an effort to appear keen you ask her when will the company make a decision. Hoping you have got the job she leads you out to the street after answering your question.

If any of this strikes a chord with you then imagine how different this could be if you had an air of confidence, a way of making small talk that builds rapport, a formula for being able to answer any interview question and deal with any objection. Add in the final element of covertly implanting post hypnotic suggestions that you are the best candidate for the job.

Sound impossible? Perhaps not, many of these skills are naturally occurring and you have certainly seen others do this as part of their daily lives.

Some people just amble through life always getting what they want, including the best jobs. I am sure you have met people like that. These are the people using these skills, sometimes naturally, sometimes they have been trained. In most cases these skills are learnt quickly and easily in a matter of hours.

If your CV pulled three over four times more interviews than normal would it be worth spending the two hours of CV Writing to add those NLP and psychological techniques? It may take a couple of hours working through a Hypnotic Interview Answer formula, but once it is done you will be able to answer interview questions powerfully for life.

In as little as thirty minutes you could learn how to banish interview nerves, build rapport and take control of an interview even though they seem like difficult skills.The only question is how much people are prepared to devote to mastering these interview skills because just a couple of hours is the difference between a great job and just the job you are doing now.
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