Two Things You Need As a Bookie, Price Per Head and Lots of Booze
We'll leave the topic which has drawn your attention, the booze, for later; also, you should consider going to AA if you're actually reading this because it said booze in the title.
In any case, let's start by explaining why price per head will help you, and how this leads to having to invest more time on certain tasks, including drinking alcohol.
Companies that offer certain services for bookies are named price per head companies, and that's the reason these services are known as price per head services (even if these are commonly known under other names). Also, the main reason these companies are categorized as "price per head" businesses is because they charge you a small weekly fee per active client (only those which made a bet during that week); yet, the more clients you have (which are actively participating), the lower the fee you have to pay per client.
As stated earlier, these services are usually known under different names, and before proceeding it would be prudent to mention them; these are customer service agents taking calls from your clients 24/7 in a call-center, bookmaker software (these two are the ones all companies, good or bad will offer), web-design and web-hosting services, multiple secure and trusted payment options, the possibility for your clients to place bets online, and much more if your select the right pph company.
This can seem as an expensive service at first glance, but the initial cost per client (meaning even if you have just a few clients) is rather low, and because these guys take care of dealing with clients calls and you now have software capable of reducing the time you need to dedicate to "book-tracking tasks" by at least halve.
That means that you are basically paying a small fee to get rid of all tedious tasks and be able to focus on what really matters, finding new clients and your personal life.
Now, here is where the booze comes in.
Assuming you have finished negotiating with the price per head company, now you're only left with a few tasks to take care of, the most important one is finding new clients.
Booze + sports fan = possible drunk gambler.
Although not all drunk sports fans are gamblers, many possible gamblers don't make their first bet while being sober (due to how society perceives gambling).
So just approach friendly drunks and invite them to a beer when there's a sports event on a bar's t.v. and suggest the possibility of betting on another event happening soon. There are other ways, but this one is pretty good.
In any case, you now have the strategy to success.
If you're interested in moving on to checking a worthwhile price per head company right now, visit ABC Islands.