Fun Cheap Gifts
- Gifts do not have to cost a lot of money.Walker and Walker/Digital Vision/Getty Images
You don't have to spend a small fortune to give someone a fun gift. Instead, consider cheaper gift items to create a fun day or evening. When deciding on what gift to purchase, take into account the likes and dislikes of the person you are surprising with a gift. Perhaps the receiver of your gift enjoys movies or playing games. - Board games do not cost a lot of money. Sitting around the dining room table, playing a board game with other people makes for a fun day or evening. Select board games to get the participants involved and to create a fun, memorable experience. Giving a board game as a gift allows families to have a "game night," spending quality time with one another.
- If you're giving a gift to someone for a party or during a party, purchase a piñata filled with goodies. Include a small plastic bat and a blindfold. The guests of the party may enjoy taking turns to break the piñata open, allowing the goodies to fall out. Children typically laugh and giggle while watching one another take turns trying to break open the piñata.
- Put together a bath time gift basket. Select items that are age- and gender-appropriate; for example, a toddler boy may enjoy bath crayons and plastic cars, while a toddler girl may enjoy scented bubble bath and a baby doll. You do not have to spend a great deal on toys and supplies for a cheap, fun bath time gift basket.
- Create fun, cheap gift baskets according to the receivers likes and dislikes. A game basket can include dice, cards, poker chips, potato chips and beverages. A movie gift basket might include previously viewed movies you purchased from your movie rental store, popcorn, candy and soft drinks. A baking gift basket--for the person who bakes for fun--can include recipe cards complete with recipes and ingredients.
- Purchase movie tickets as a cheap, fun gift. If your community has a discounted movie theater, purchase the tickets there to save money. Going out to see a movie in a movie theater can be more fun than watching DVDs at home.
- Give a deck of cards and a card rule book as a cheap, fun gift. Sitting around a table playing a card game can be a fun evening for the receiver. Including a card rule book allows the receiver the opportunity to learn new card games.