How To Sell Your Images With Fotomoto
I have searched on the Internet on how to sell my images as stock photos and found a lot of stock agencies or should I say micro stock photo agencies like Fotolia to sell images as stock photos.
I have tried these websites and sold a few photos.
I would still get excited every time I received an email telling me that someone actually purchased my image but when I get to the commission part of the email I get totally frustrated.
It usually says you just earned $0.
It is quite frustrating that your image is worth 25 cents.
I began searching for alternatives and luckily I found a website that may be a better alternative than stock photo agencies it is called Fotomoto.
 Before I signed up, I had to check if it would work seamlessly with my photo blog which is powered by WordPress and when I read on their blog how easy it would work on a WordPress blog it definitely blew my mind.
I did sign up and in five minutes I had it running.
I went to access my account on Fotomoto and all I need was to get my site key which was very easy to find.
It said that all I need to have it working seamlessly on my photo blog is to download the Fotomoto WordPress plugin, place my own site key and presto I would be able to integrate their service to my photo blog.
I checked what else do I need to do like do I have to upload my pictures on Fotomoto, and again it surprised me that when I checked my photo blog that all the pictures are all Fotomoto enabled already.
At the bottom of each photo, it shows that one can buy a print which can be customized to several print sizes and even the kind of paper that you want your photos printed, download the file, share the photo to your social network friends like Facebook and Twitter and create e-cards to have them sent via email.
It was that easy and now I am just waiting for my first sale.
I know when it happens I will still be very happy knowing someone actually bought the picture but this time will not be frustrated with the commission as I myself know how much I would be getting because I personally named my own price, yes my own price.