That Simply Doesn"t Work in Simply One Accomplish Anything
I recognize there are different views on this subject and I respect that but what I want to talk about is the situation with those churches that are up holes to abortion and how that plays out in the new issue like health care reform and what I would say is this that if we read Grapes theological minds again one back for centuries and centuries there's always been the understanding that we need to make some distinctions between arm moral convictions in public policy and the public policy is a complex reality that may not always be able to embrace olive one's moral positions and that sometimes one has to make the best judgement that one can about..
What a good public policy would be sometimes one accepts a public policy in good faith even if that public policy doesn't fully embrace everything that that the individual might believe in our hope for and I think our the Catholic Bishops Ida body deserve credit on this issue for saying that that they realize that it simply isn't to be understood that at a change in health care reform would eliminate abortion in the United States Lumera Eye Serum what they've said in other words is that they would hope that it would be negotiated in such a way that it doesn't enhance abortion for other you know that they they've talked about wanting to have it be and why abortion neutral I think that's clearly an example love where you've got a moral conviction but you know that a public policy can't completely embrace