Apparently Not Everyone Jumped on the Social Influence Train
Last weekend I had lunch with an old friend, and I asked her whether she had seen out mutual friend's wedding portraits (which were posted on Facebook) and she answered, "No, I am not on Facebook.
" For some reason, her answer completely boggled me.
No Facebook? And no MySpace? She further explained how she realized Facebook complicated her life more than it bettered it, and she also did not enjoy being as dependent on technology as she had become due to it.
I realized that most of the people I know use smart phones, and have a Facebook application for it.
Facebook has become more than an social website when surfing the net, it has been a top mean of communication.
I have had friends message or ask me a question (through their phone) on Facebook! I mean if you have the phone in your hand, why wouldn't you just text me? Or even call me? (Well, we all know calling people has become the last resort of communication but jeez, Facebook really?!) The point is, Facebook and social media might not be for everyone, and that is okay.
Influencing consumer behavior might become difficult if consumers are not all participants, but social media by no means should be the ONLY outlet to customer relation management.
It should be an additional outlet, and if used simultaneously with other one on one forms of customer service and branding, it could all work quite beautifully.