Write a Book - What Makes You an Authority?

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Webster defines authority as: power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior.
Why is this? Because most of us are taught from an early age to respect and obey authority.
So, if you can become the recognized authority in your field, you have more influence over your patients and prospects.
For Example, if you are a Chiropractor, this would mean more people accepting care, more people sticking with their wellness plans, more referrals, increased Patient Visit Average, etc.
The question then is what are some ways you can become known as the authority? Get Into The Spotlight Become a local celebrity (without the red carpet and paparazzi).
Let's face it, people today get a little goofy around someone "famous," even on the local level.
If you can become recognizable in your community, that will build authority.
Quality Endorsements If you are not a local celebrity, get endorsed by one.
In other words, borrow their authority.
When a prospective patient see's you with or being personally recommended by someone they look up to and respect, that emotion transfers to you.
This is seen in advertising often and can be very powerful.
Publicity: Radio, TV and Print This is another powerful way to build authority.
Television and radio producers are constantly looking for quality content for their listeners and viewers.
If you can get on these programs with something to offer (quality content), you can gain huge amounts of credibility.
This is also true with newspapers and magazines.
Publicity can help you generate tons of quality new patients for your practice.
With traditional advertising, people know that you paid for the marketing spot, but with publicity, you gain (or borrow) the authority of the medium in which you were interviewed.
newspaper, television and/or radio station, and magazine).
Write a Book Have you ever noticed that the word "authority" begins with the word "author?" There is no doubt that becoming an author is one of the best ways to gain authority.
If you truly want to set yourself up as the recognized expert in your local market, write a book.
With technology today, becoming an author is easier than ever, and it's incredibly affordable too (*if* you know what you are doing.
) If you write a book, all of the above become easier.
It's easy to get free publicity when you are an author...
which helps put you in the spotlight.
And you can get quality endorsements to write a blurb on the back of your book...
which all builds your authority.
With the right tools and a little planning, positioning yourself as the authority in your market can be easy (and lead to many more new patients/clients!)
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