Blogging to the Bank Part 1
Not just any blogging, but blogging to make money.
Now, imagine if you will, lawn chair, laptop, and a 100 foot extension cord hooked to my computer because I'm too cheap to buy a battery that will actually hold a charge.
This webpage extolled all the virtues of how easy it was to set up a blog, add a few affiliates links...
hmm what are those I wondered, (sip of beer, look to the cloudless blue sky Use your imagination here!) Heck it was only $4.
95 to check it out.
That's cheaper than a mocha triple espresso vodka latte!!! What was there to lose, nothing really.
Perhaps some pocket change and a few hours of exploration into the world of blogging.
I just might learn something here and prove my teenage pseudo adult children wrong..
I really don't know everything like I claim to, but don't tell them that and bust my cover.
They still can't figure out how I know so much about their "private" lives.
Uh, hellooo...
its called Facebook.
But we'll keep that between us, right? So my basic motivation here was to learn a little something new, check it out and see if it was for me and maybe pick up a new hobby.
I needed a hobby, a diversion, an escape doing something I already knew I liked to do.
Talk or rather write a page or two about stuff I already knew about which is fairly plentiful and just screaming for an outlet...
just ask my kids! My other thought was if I could make a few extra bucks doing that it would be a bonus.
My time for things of fun and interest is limited and I needed something that I could jump right into and see the fruits of my labor.
Well I have to say that I was not disappointed with the content that my measly $4.
95 got me.
I browsed for hours, on my lawn chair, on a beautifully sunny day, an ice cold adult beverage by my side and a few empties on the ground.
I was mesmerized and hooked.
I could truly see the potential in all of this.
The question was "could I really do this?" I mean I was fairly proficient with a computer and could navigate my way around the various programs, but could I really build a website?!? I decided to give it a shot.
It was only gonna cost a mocha lattes for me to figure out if I really could.
One of the first things I suggest if you want to start blogging is to research your topic.
Refine your topic if necessary, in other words, don't have a broad topic.
Narrow it down Make sure that the topic that you choose is something other people would enjoy reading or learning.
Write a good quality home page for your blog about your topic.
The other pages of your blog should be relevant to your original topic.
There are several free blogging sites out there.
Utilize them to get started and when your ready and have learned the ropes a bit move on the hosted sites.
All in all, its very easy to get a blog up and running.
Add pages and posts on a regular basis thereby becoming an expert on your topic.
Before you know it, you'll have folks out there that will come to you for your expert advice.