Making a Fruit Arrangement
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The basket itself is a vital part of the gift.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
Buy the fruit you want and choose a basket that fits the taste of the person to whom you're giving the gift. This is a crucial part of the gift as the basket will be left behind after the fruit has been eaten, so make sure you pick something sturdy and elegant. The basket should also be large enough to hold a sizable amount of fruit. - 2). Wipe the inside of the basket out with a wet wipe or wet cloth. Let the basket dry, then begin arranging the fruit inside it. Place the bananas, apples and pears in first, fitting each to one side of the basket with the bananas against one side of the basket. This will allow you to fit the softer, smaller fruit such as grapes, satsumas and seasonal berries in around them without damaging the smaller fruit.
- 3). Once the fruit is in the basket, you can decorate the arrangement to make it look more festive. Take a ribbon and wrap it around the handle, tying the ends off at either end of the handle. Then, sit the basket in the middle of an appropriately sized piece of colored cellophane and fold the corners up over the handle of the basket. Twist them together and tie them with another piece of ribbon.