Do you know the different ways to get revenues through internet?
Many businesses are depending totally on internet. For getting revenues through internet website is must. Through website product and services information we can provide to all viewers worldwide. People becoming familiar with internet. They use to buy product online as it saves time and efforts as well as they get variety and discounts on the product. At the same time for service industry like travel industry, hospital and hotel industry and many more service industry. They get revenues through their websites. Service which is sold online like marriage site for e.g., offers free membership but at certain level, like to contact other registered member they will ask for payment and thus generate income for them. Job portals like and get their revenue from the website by offering extra facility like resume making, sending resume to consultant. Websites like eBay earns money with the ads, listing fees, commission on the product selling although they offer free registration which allows users to create a virtual eBay shop with dedicated url, users logo, company information, product details. EBay also get revenue through display ads and banner. Search engine and directory like Google, yahoo and many more earn money because of advertising programs like awards and adsense. Another trend in the business is selling advertisement of the product through internet is also very popular. Text and banner ads, video and audio ads. Targeted advertisement is based on users surfing behavior. These types of ads give high revenue in business.
So we are introducing another revolution that is our b2b portal. We connect global buyers with Indian suppliers. We aggressively advertise and promote your product and service in our portal. We will help you to do marketing, to attract visitors, and find "genuine buyers" for you. We are offering you a membership where in you can have spacious showroom to display your products and services. To get maximum business, we have the most unique feature which is never before offered by any other b2b portal of the world. Along with membership we are offering online b2b exhibition.The exhibition will highlight all the manufactures, importers, exporters. Trade show will be the biggest ever visited exhibition itself is conducted for the first time. The exhibitors can not only display their products, catalogues, videos but also all information online which is also put in stall of offline exhibitions and trade shows.
So, find out more about exhibition, trade show. Get bigger for your company, products and the business services to take online marketing opportunities at []