How to Make a Guy Chase You - And Win the Race
And one that you want to win.
What can you win if you let yourself get caught? A wonderful love life.
A soul mate.
This is so important.
So let us explain how to make a guy chase - so that you win.
If you want to attract men at all you need to be attractive.
We do not mean sexy or drop dead gorgeous, although those things might help.
But you need to be the best person that YOU can be.
So pay attention to your clothes, your makeup and your hair.
Make sure you are neat and clean and as attractive as you can be.
That is step number one in our tips on how to make a guy chase you.
According to male psychology, what would make a man chase a woman? The answer would be that he enjoys spending time with her.
If you want to make him fall in love and make him commit, you must be a pleasant person.
That means learning how to conduct a pleasant conversation.
Pleasant conversation does NOT include, whining, complaining, criticizing or nagging.
Pleasant conversation may include compliments and words of appreciation.
But you want to maintain a balance.
Do not drown him with compliments or kind words.
That would make you seem like a phony.
Be confident.
People who are confident attract other people like a magnet.
Those are the popular people.
Rehearse what you are going to say before you go to a party.
Speak with confidence.
Stand up straight.
People will treat you with more respect and so will your special man.
A pleasant smile is always attractive.
So, how to make a guy chase you? Now you know.
Start running.