How Do You Light the Lantern in Cryptids Island on "Poptropica"?
- 1). Ride the blimp to Cryptids Island. Head right on the screen until you step past a tree with low branches that you can jump up to. Click on the tree branch on the left to find a five-dollar bill and pick it up.
- 2). Walk over to the General Store. Click "Use" on the five-dollar bill in your inventory to purchase a bottle of Sports Nectar sports drink.
- 3). Leave the store and walk to the right of the screen. Eventually, you will find a gardener working in front of some mansions. Give him the Sports Nectar. The gardener will set down his gardening shears and leave. Pick up the gardening shears.
- 4). Walk to the left side of the island. When you run into a girl in a hang glider, push her to help her get flying. Jump up onto the balloon seat and cut the rope on the balloon with gardening shears. Pick up the nylon rope.
- 5). Head back over to Main Street and enter Kitty's Kites store. Click "Use" on the nylon rope in your inventory to get the surfing kite. Return to the park and walk over to the end of the screen to do some kite surfing on the water. After a few minutes, you will run into the villain Gretchen -- who will throw fireballs at your kite and sink you. Thankfully, you will be saved by the Mews helicopter.
- 6). Speak with Harold Mews, your savior, and then head over to the foyer of the museum. Watch the videos to make Mews arrive and ask you to join his search for the Cryptids. He even gives you your own helicopter to use.
- 7). Enter the helicopter and head over to Loch Ness. Leave the helicopter and walk over to the pub. Click on the matches on the counter to pick them up. Speak with one of the people in the pub and play darts with him to get a ticket for a rowboat ride. Find the yellow jeep on the left of the bridge in Loch Ness and click on its tire to pop it so you can get a camera. Ride the rowboat and take a picture of Nessie. Show Mews the picture, and then return to the pub at Loch Ness. Speak to a person in the pub to play another game of darts and get the submarine ticket. Use the ticket, then take the picture of Nessie and return to the pub. Play darts once more to get the penny whistle from the bartender. Return to the rowboat and head left in the water. Blow the penny whistle to get Nessie to appear. Take the Cryptid's picture, then head back over to the Mews Mansion.
- 8). Take your helicoptor to the Himalayas. Walk up the mountain to find a Sherpa, or mountain guide, with a large backpack on. He will guide you up the mountain, where you will meet some monks. Enter the building and speak with the monk on the far right of the screen to get the lantern.
- 9). Find the Jersey Devil House. Use the matches to light the lantern and look inside the house.