How to Prepare a Fire Risk Assessment for My Company
In October of 2006, The Regulatory Reform Order 2005 officially became effective. It effectively replaces the cornucopia of fire safety regulations that had preceded it for years. This new code that's commonly referred to as the RRO applies to all non domestic structures in England Wales and also covers all areas of common use and multifamily dwellings, such as apartments.
In essence, the law applies to and assigns liability to any person who is responsible for or has a vested interest in all commercial businesses, shops, offices, care facilities, factories, warehouses, community halls, schools, pubs, restaurants, hostels, hotels and of course as listed above any person who is responsible for the common areas of multifamily housing units.
It's important that you be aware of just how just far reaching and all inclusive the RRO is. For instance, if you're self employed and use a building including your own home for your business, it applies to you and your home. Also all charity organizations are also included. Also if you are a contractor and have even temporary control over a building or structure you can be deemed responsible for that structure.
Understand that in the event that the fire department inspector visits any building that you have any form of control over they will want to speak to the party designated as the responsible person and if this person is not prepared and knowledgeable, it's you in the end that will be held accountable. So there is more to this than meets the eye and a lot more at risk that you may realize at first glance.
In accordance with the RRO it is the duty of the responsible person to carry out the fire risk assessment. This however, does not mean that the responsible person must do the fire risk assessment themselves. In fact, they can assign the task to someone else that they deem qualified but they will in the end be responsible for the assessment that is rendered.
So it's not hard to see why so many building owners and commercial tenants are seeking out the services of online services that specialize in doing Fire Risk Assessments You see, not only are you responsible for the building in the event of a fire but also the people that may be in it at that time. An inadequate fire risk assessment can leave you vulnerable to liabilities.
An online fire risk assessment service can for a nominal fee carry out the fire risk assessment for you but it doesn't end there. They will also provide training for your responsible person as well. They will also provide professional assistance in creating emergency procedures for your business or property, as well as compile and provide necessary documentation and fire safety records.