HD Conflict Resolution
So how about Dad tells the kids and Mom to watch the shows on different TVs, simple solution right? Wrong. Only one of the TVs is hooked up to an extended cable package, its a pain to hook all those cables to all those TVs and to buy all those routers. So neighbors are stuck listening to the Johnson family fight about TV privileges. Across the street they are tired of hearing Johnny complain about how he missed the Green Bay game because they don't get the NFL Sunday Ticket that Timmy from school has, while Sally complains that because they don't have high definition she couldn't participate in the conversation with Jane about how big Lauren Conrad's pores were last night on the Hills.
Most people who have a family have experienced a scene like this one. Parents and kids of all ages have different preferences and not just about the TV shows they watch. Children today are not afraid to express their opinions while parents can't understand how children could be so ungrateful. HD satellite TV can serve to eliminate at least the TV disagreements.
Satellite TV offers hundreds of channels with numerous movies and shows. Chances are there is at the least one show, but most likely more, that a whole family can watch and enjoy together. So when Mom, Dad, Sally, and Johnny are have sated their own satellite TV cravings there will be that one show that brings the family together even if just for one hour a few nights a week.
So Mom wants a new dish washer and Dad wants a new golf clubs, Sally wants the new iphone and Johnny wants new sports gear and Margaret is now old enough to whine for tickle-me-elmo. All this costs a great deal, but to find that one thing that caters to everyone's wants as well as brings the family together, that is priceless. While that may have seemed impossible at one point, it has been made possible with satellite TV.