Gag Gifts for Social Workers
- Give a humorous gift to a social box. christmas gift/present image by L. Shat from
Social workers often spend many hours dealing with difficult tasks and situations. Giving a gag gift can help to lighten the mood after a long day on the job. Whether you're giving the gift to commemorate an event or holiday or simply looking for a way to play a joke on a co-worker, there are a wide range of options when it comes to gag gifts. You can either purchase the gift or make it yourself. - The profession of social work is not known for having high wages. If this is not a sensitive topic with the social worker you know, give her a hand-painted tip cup. On the cup, have it say something along the lines of "Tips" or "Tips for the impoverished social worker." She can place it on her desk as a joke. To make the gag gift something that's potentially useful, paint this on a coffee mug.
- Social workers often have to fill out large amounts of paperwork as part of the job. Have a custom-made T-shirt designed for the social worker. On the shirt, make a graphic of a person carrying a huge stack of papers. It would be even funnier if you can manage to get a photograph of the person receiving the gift carrying the paper. Under the graphic or photo on the shirt, write a saying such as "I thought my degree was in social work, not paper work!"
- For a social worker who is about to retire, give him a gift of an inflatable walker. Have it personalized with his name and specific job title. This gag gift would be especially funny for someone who is an avid runner or sportsman.
- Make a set of homemade grass heads for the social worker. Cut 8 inches off of a nylon sock and stretch it over a large cup. Spoon in approximately 2 tsp. of grass seed. Pack in potting soil on top of that and tie the stocking closed. This forms the head. Add eyes, a nose and a mouth along with any other details. Place the head onto a plastic container such as an old yogurt container. Glue the head into place. You could make one or a set and label them as future clients.