Podcasting Benefits
Normally, listeners need to only subscribe once and automatically receive new content as so as it is available.
Now, with the progression of technology in cell phones, podcasting has become a widely transmitted item to promote business while you entertain your potential costumers or clients.
The more entertaining, the more memorable you will be.
Many of your quickly growing businesses adopted this progressing technology in their earlier days.
These are the companies who are not afraid of trying new things to get ahead of their competitors.
Since this has become a widely used item, it has become an inexpensive for of business promotion, which can give you global recognition.
The more new subscriptions you receive on your podcasts, the more it already shows an interest from your customers or clients to hear more from you and your business.
Think of it this way, they have willingly subscribed to your advertising.
Think of large (and continuously growing) companies like Microsoft, production companies like Disney, or broadcasting companies like NPR.
These companies have been seeing changes in their growth.
Not only do they see the benefits from their costumers and clients, but they also use podcasting to communicate updates within their companies.
You can end the expenses of paper by sending out memos or newsletters.
you can end the waste of labor hours with the group sessions or staff meetings.
Create a podcast and communicate with your employees when they come into work and sign on to their computer.
Have a podcast waiting for them with a digital message to ask them to download and listen.
You get your message out and wasted much less money than the "old ways.
" And the technology is still progressing.
Before you know it, podcasting will become you main (or only) means of communication and promotion.
Instead of budgeting money for paper and supplies, you will use your time to keep up with software updates, which will cost much less than paper (not to mention be much easier on the environment).
So use podcasting to promote your business, communicate with your team, and be entertaining while saving a little cash in the longrun.