Nasty Divorce? A Few Feel Good Tips
I have personal experience in this area, so I thought I'd share some quick tips from my own divorce survival arsenal.
During the course of my breakup and divorce from my husband, I...
Always left the house well-dressed and wearing makeup.
Just keeping a put-together look helped feel better about myself and reminded me that I was a beautiful woman regardless of how I felt inside.
It was as though I was wearing protective armour against my ex, and any further damage he might inflict.
Refused to be silent.
Rather than suffer alone, I gained strength and support by sharing with trusted friends and confidantes what was going on between us.
Paid extra attention to my appearance if I knew I'd be seeing him.
Any time I was going to have to encounter my ex I always wore an outfit I felt confident in.
It was a great way to keep my spirits high and my dignity in tact while sending a silent message of, "you haven't broken me yet!" Treated myself to a couple of killer wardrobe pieces.
I bought myself a beautiful trench coat (it was winter) that "made" every outfit and a smashing bag to go with it.
Those, paired with a fabulous scarf, and I felt ready for anything.
Used the opportunity to eliminate every emotional drain, time suck and bad situation in my life.
I put up appropriate boundaries and used the life disaster I found myself in to "clean house" and start new.
Signed up with an online dating site.
This was as adventurous as I could be, as I was pregnant and emotionally vulnerable.
Even if it didn't amount to anything, it still made me feel good to know I could get right back up and back out there in the game.
I created a "dream team" for myself - a kick ass lawyer, an incredible therapist who understood what I was dealing with, and other strong women who had successfully navigated divorce.
Do you have personal experience with divorce or the breakup of a long-term relationship? Share your own survival tips in the comments section!