Looking For A Homemade Beef Jerky Dehydrator?
The best homemade beef jerky dehydrator is by far the Excalibur 3900. It has the best reviews and is very popular for a good reason. It can produce beef jerky that tastes a lot better than anything that you can buy, or that you can make with other models of dehydrators.
The Excalibur 3900 produces the best tasting beef jerky due to its unique qualities that separates it from other jerky machines. This homemade beef jerky dehydrator has a heavy duty fan and a temperature controlled heating element. While this may not sound particularly unique compared to other models, it is.
Most dehydrators for jerky don't have a fan. They only have a heating element which is usually at the base of the dehydrator. What usually happens when you want to make beef jerky is that the meat drippings fall onto the heating element.
Smoke starts coming from the heating element which can damage your dehydrator, as well as making your jerky taste a bit strange.
The Excalibur 3900 has the heating element as well as the fan in the rear of the dehydrator. The fan and heating element remain clean. The meat drippings don't go anywhere near the heating element or the fan. This produces better tasting beef jerky, as well as keeping your homemade beef jerky dehydrator in near new condition.
The heavy duty fan also plays a role in producing the best tasting jerky. The fan circulates the hot air which speeds up the dehydration process. You can dry 10-15 pounds of beef in 8-10 hours. That's a lot of beef you can dry quickly compared to other models of dehydrators.
What this also means is that the the meat you're drying retains its flavor because it is dried quickly. This dehydrator produces concentrated flavor in your beef jerky.
The heavy duty fan in the Excalibur homemade beef jerky dehydrator also means that the meat dries evenly. There's no need to rotate the trays. This provide a huge advantage over other models of dehydrators.
This homemade beef jerky dehydrator is sturdy and built to last. You can have it running constantly, and it will still keep going.