How to Draw a Rabbit Target
- 1). Draw a horizontal oval. Draw a smaller horizontal oval on the top-left edge of the first oval.
- 2). Connect the sides of the ovals with inward curving lines. Erase the inner lines of the ovals to make one continuous shape.
- 3). Draw a small horizontal ellipse on the bottom-left side of the large oval and connect the two shapes with rounded lines. Erase the interior lines of the ellipse and the oval.
- 4). Draw a long, thin ellipse along the bottom of the large oval, starting a quarter of the way behind the first ellipse and ending where the oval begins to curve upward. Round only the back edge of the ellipse to the oval, and erase the interior lines.
- 5). Draw a small, vertically slanting oval along the bottom-right side of the large oval. Erase the lines that separate the two shapes, but do not round the edges.
- 6). Draw two long ovals from the top of the smaller oval in Step 1, up and toward the right. Connect the edges of the long ovals to the horizontal oval with inward curving lines. Erase all of the interior lines separating the shapes. Shade in the entire shape of the rabbit with the side of your pencil or with brown colored pencils.
- 7). Make a small black dot in the upper center of the small horizontal oval. Draw a large circle surrounding the dot, extending outside the shape of the rabbit. Draw a vertical and a horizontal line cutting the circle into quarters and passing through the dot.
- 8). Outline the circle, horizontal and vertical lines in black ink. Draw small rectangles around the ends of the lines where they meet the circle, and darken them in with the black ink.
- 9). Draw several more rabbits following the steps above, varying the size and direction the rabbits are facing. This will give you more targets with which to practice.