How to Positively Word an Employment Gap on a Job Application
- 1). Write "laid off for economic reasons" on the job application if that fits your situation. It keeps the explanation short, but informative. Do not mention this on your resume, but in your cover letter, briefly explain you were laid off due to the economy and list what you've done to stay involved in the field in the meantime -- such as taking a course or attending a convention.
- 2). Write "voluntary departure" on the job application if you left your job willingly. While this will not explain the background of your decision, it lets the hiring manager know you weren't fired. Include one sentence in your cover letter to explain why you left -- e.g., to raise your family.
- 3). List simply "terminated" if you got fired from your previous job. Don't list the reason why on the application, on your resume or in your cover letter. Doing so can prejudice the hiring manager against you. Instead, save this conversation for when you have the interview.
- 4). Write a very brief explanation if absolutely required on the job application. For example, if fired, write something like "Company wasn't the right fit." Refrain from bad-mouthing your old company or boss. An interviewer will likely ask about the circumstances, so save your full explanation for the in-person conversation.