12 Stress Free Ways to Communicate With Your Ex
The importance of parents working together for the well-being of your children cannot be stressed enough.
Your children are the losers when there is poor communication or resentment between the parents.
With or without children, dealing with you ex in a stress free way will help you move on and live the life you were meant to live.
If communication with your ex is great, you would probably not have an X.
Realizing that things are not going to run smoothly all the time will help you.
Understand that it is vital for you that you are able to communicate with your X.
It is important to ask the co-parent to work with you to communicate successfully for the benefit of the children.
Eliminate your anger and resentment.
It is natural for you to feel angry (depending on your individual circumstances), but learning to control it around each other is imperative.
Expressing that you're upset about something is okay; however, it isn't okay to vent anger just to make you feel better.
Get the idea of changing your ex out of you head.
If you could, it would have happened before the separation/divorce.
Learn to live with who he/she is.
Be specific when communicating.
If you need to change the visitation schedule, say it.
Concentrate on what needs to be communicated or discussed, not on feelings or emotions that exist.
Always be in control of your emotions.
Crying, yelling and name-calling won't help you resolve anything.
Vent somewhere where you have privacy and the freedom to scream or cry.
Make a list of things you need to discuss, before you actually talk.
Use this list as a guideline and a reminder to stick to the topics.
If you have more important things to discuss do it when you have time and do so in a relaxed and calm manner.
Never use third parties.
Things are generally confusing enough without adding this aspect and end up more confused this way.
Especially crucial is don't ever use your children to be a messenger.
Move on.
Don't let issues or disagreements from the past cloud current discussions.
Once it's over, let it go.
Putting any unhealthy feelings towards your ex aside will not only decrease your stress level but ultimately help you adapt to the change.
Use these tips and the results will be a productive and respectful relationship.
Help yourself and all involved through this stressful time and you will heal and move forward with your life.