Building a Good Reputation Through Blogging Part II
Motherhood statements like 'I love your blog'...
'Your write up is so great'...
will do no good and your intentions will be under suspicion.
Some may think that you're just trying to get reciprocal links and they will eventually ignore you and your blog.
Just take note that you need to provide quality comments or else you might be regarded as spam.
Of course, that is bad for your business.
Comments that are designed to purely generate back links and devoid of any useful information will also not help you establish a good name.
Comments must be sincere, honest, and have information that other bloggers and web users can use.
The best comment is the suggestive type in which you briefly analyze the post and offer alternative points of view.
This will generate debate and discussion which is good for your reputation.
People love to communicate and they like comments that are highly informative and unique so that they can also add their inputs and counter-arguments.
If you can do these and diligently comment on others' post, then you are sure to get that name recall and recognition you badly need.
Another way of establishing your name is to allow also other bloggers and web users to comment and post it in your blog or web site.
This will breed goodwill for your readers.
Readers feel great if they are able to provide inputs to others.
This interactivity changes their status from passive user of information to active players in the communication process.
Trust and confidence in your site and in your reputation can be enhanced.
You must also reply to comments promptly.
This will show that you are interested with their ideas and regard their inputs highly.
As people like to communicate with another, your reply can spawn new threads and eventually new ideas will emerge.
You can be credited for these and your reputation as information provider and moderator of ideas can be enhanced.