Jobs That Pay $100,000 A Year
Lawyer or mining consultant
If you are armed with a law degree, you can work for law firm. Many fresh lawyers are making 100K each year and the growth prospects are mind boggling. If you can show your expertise and skills as well as snip through tedious legal problems and cases, you could be in the reckoning for much more salary payment. A career with a law firm can ensure large salaries and many law graduates are on their way in 100K jobs.
As a mining consultant, you would be on the forefront of earning salaries of $100,000 or even more. The job is laden with inherent risks, but that is also exactly the reason why mining companies pay you so much money. Many mining graduates are earning in that scale as there are jobs that pay $100,000 a year in mining. And in the mining industry, there are several opportunities that you can check out depending on your expertise and qualifications.
Careers that pay $100,000 a year are great and not hard to come by these days if you are not averse to taking up unusual employment. Did you know that many truck drivers are earning 100K each year just by driving trucks?
The more miles you clock, the more you can earn and the truck companies are known to pay more to drivers who have been there for some time. Experience can always enhance your payment and if you opt for long routes, there is always a chance of making good money that can even exceed $100,000 each year.
Web work and counseling
Working for a web based company can also ensure good money as salaries and if you are an expert in some form of web management, there is no stopping you from making loads of money. If you are an experienced web designer with a company or adept at writing quality articles that sell well, you can embark on online careers that pay $100,000 a year.
Counseling is very much in demand these days and as a therapist or a counselor, you can make good money. Many therapists and child psychologists are making 100K each year working for some therapy or child psychology center. People who are also dealing with children or parents in an educational setting are successful in careers that pay $100,000 a year.