How to Make a Birdhouse Out of Household Items
- 1). Open the top of an empty milk or juice carton fully and wash it out with dish soap and a bottle brush. Rinse it out and allow it to dry.
- 2). Pinch the top of the carton closed again and staple it shut along the top flap.
- 3). Brush a thin layer of gesso over the milk carton with a paintbrush. The gesso will help paint stick to the waxy surface of the carton. Allow the gesso to dry into a chalky finish.
- 4). Paint the carton with acrylic paint in the color of your choice and allow it to dry.
- 5). Cut a 1-inch hole on one side of the carton with a utility knife. It does not have to be perfect, as birds can squeeze through. For decorative purposes, you can make the hole more circular by drawing it on first with pencil.
- 6). Poke a sharpened pencil through the carton wall, about 1/2 inch below the hole you cut. Poke another hole in the same position on the opposite side of the carton.
- 7). Slide an unsharpened pencil straight through the carton from one punched hole to the other. This will serve as a perch for the bird to rest on before entering or leaving the house.