Make a Guy Fall in Love With You - How to Reel Him in For Good!
First ask yourself if this man truly deserves to be with you.
Seriously, if you make this guy fall in love with you now, is this indecision going to persist far into your future? There are other men out there who know what they want and there is no reason why they should not be wanting it from you.
If you are tired of waiting on him, it may be time to cut your losses.
But what if you are madly in love and hopelessly desperate to win this man before some other women does? Ah yes, they are out there and you had better get a hold of him before they do.
And how do you do this? Well, you have to become an unforgettable woman.
This begins by showing him that you are a prize to be won.
Show that there are other things competing for your attention and that he better start working to keep you in his life.
An interesting thing about men and people for that matter is that they REALLY want something if they can't seem to have it.
Men see this as a challenge and if you become this challenge to him you can make him fall in love.
You can have anything that you want from him.
Cut back on about a third of the time you are spending with him.
Be really casual about it, not cold, just very casual if he asks.
Be sure that you are still affectionate when he is around and tone down on the sex.
Work instead on the emotional bond, but don't say anything about commitment.
Men are much more convinced by conclusions which they arrive at on their own.
Let him find out what he is missing and give him a reason to chase you.
This is the first step to being an unforgettable woman and will make him commit to you.